Premium Member
Hi Everyone,
My name is Mei and I am a 2013 HSC graduate. This thread is a collation of all my study tips for senior years and now it is all in one place for easier access rather than in miscellaneous different threads. I am fully aware of the fundamental fact that different study techniques will work for different individuals-after all, we are all UNIQUE
, so this guide just serves as a summary of what I have learnt from my senior high school and what has helped me to be an HSC All Rounder.
I would also like to say a big thank you to BOS user, HAWKRIDER. He encouraged me to start a guide like this-without his support, I would never have thought that collating all my advice in one thread would be so helpful to others and also would in turn, encourage other people to contribute. Thanks again!
Please feel free to comment on this guide-whether you have personal study tips you could like to share, whether you found this guide to be helpful, whether you could like me to clarify or elaborate on anything I have said in this guide. Your replies will make sure that this guide will remain as relevant to current Preliminary students as possible
What to do in the summer holidays before Year 11 starts
In the summer holidays, you should focus on making sure you have a prepared psychological mindset for senior year studies and you need to make sure you have consistent performance in all your subjects-consistency is very important-both in your academic performance(I am talking about at optimal levels) as well as consistency in your study routine, learning methods and sleeping patterns
Don't study 24/7 because you will wreck your body and by then your ATAR will become meaningless if you destroy your health-take care of yourself, do relax a bit in the holidays-you need enough relaxation to get you to keep working very hard for the next two years-and I think if you prepare your psychological mindset over the holidays, it will help you even more than pure attaining academic knowledge for year 11. This positive psychological preparation includes to be prepared for possible bad results-but retain a never-giving up attitude under this circumstance, when you get good results, don't be arrogant and just be optimistic no matter how adverse circumstances may be.
I will be regularly updating this guide with more tips-so please check this on regular intervals or subscribe to this thread to make sure you don't miss out on my updates
My name is Mei and I am a 2013 HSC graduate. This thread is a collation of all my study tips for senior years and now it is all in one place for easier access rather than in miscellaneous different threads. I am fully aware of the fundamental fact that different study techniques will work for different individuals-after all, we are all UNIQUE
I would also like to say a big thank you to BOS user, HAWKRIDER. He encouraged me to start a guide like this-without his support, I would never have thought that collating all my advice in one thread would be so helpful to others and also would in turn, encourage other people to contribute. Thanks again!
Please feel free to comment on this guide-whether you have personal study tips you could like to share, whether you found this guide to be helpful, whether you could like me to clarify or elaborate on anything I have said in this guide. Your replies will make sure that this guide will remain as relevant to current Preliminary students as possible
What to do in the summer holidays before Year 11 starts
In the summer holidays, you should focus on making sure you have a prepared psychological mindset for senior year studies and you need to make sure you have consistent performance in all your subjects-consistency is very important-both in your academic performance(I am talking about at optimal levels) as well as consistency in your study routine, learning methods and sleeping patterns
Don't study 24/7 because you will wreck your body and by then your ATAR will become meaningless if you destroy your health-take care of yourself, do relax a bit in the holidays-you need enough relaxation to get you to keep working very hard for the next two years-and I think if you prepare your psychological mindset over the holidays, it will help you even more than pure attaining academic knowledge for year 11. This positive psychological preparation includes to be prepared for possible bad results-but retain a never-giving up attitude under this circumstance, when you get good results, don't be arrogant and just be optimistic no matter how adverse circumstances may be.
I will be regularly updating this guide with more tips-so please check this on regular intervals or subscribe to this thread to make sure you don't miss out on my updates
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