
New Member
Aug 31, 2019
Honestly, guys, how do you motivate yourselves?

I know this is supposed the be 'the year' that we actually feel motivated for once - our be all and end all, the year we strut out having achieved our greatest because we finally (or for some, always) worked our hardest... but at this rate that really won't be me.

I've stuffed up quite a few of my results. In Maths Adv I'm averaging a 70%, and in Maths Ext I just got a 40% back. For English and History I'm basically becoming a progressively average student, and I don't know how to motivate myself again. I've never gotten these marks before, so I'm really confused about what I'm doing wrong - especially since it's year 12. I've moved down from my year ranking of 19/120 to pretty much the middle of my year, so I'm awfully confused, stressed, and obviously demotivated.

Does anyone have any idea how to make yourself work hard? Although it's all going wrong, I still want to do well, even if it seems stupid. I'm willing to take some harsh words. Please help me get back on track!


Feb 24, 2017
a VM
Uni Grad
Honestly, guys, how do you motivate yourselves?

I know this is supposed the be 'the year' that we actually feel motivated for once - our be all and end all, the year we strut out having achieved our greatest because we finally (or for some, always) worked our hardest... but at this rate that really won't be me.

I've stuffed up quite a few of my results. In Maths Adv I'm averaging a 70%, and in Maths Ext I just got a 40% back. For English and History I'm basically becoming a progressively average student, and I don't know how to motivate myself again. I've never gotten these marks before, so I'm really confused about what I'm doing wrong - especially since it's year 12. I've moved down from my year ranking of 19/120 to pretty much the middle of my year, so I'm awfully confused, stressed, and obviously demotivated.

Does anyone have any idea how to make yourself work hard? Although it's all going wrong, I still want to do well, even if it seems stupid. I'm willing to take some harsh words. Please help me get back on track!
You'd be surprised of the effectiveness of writing your goals down. Write down everyday what you want accomplished and tick it off when you do it. This gives you a sense of accomplishment and also makes the large task of getting a good mark seem doable because your setting goals everyday which is working you towards getting the mark you desire.

Aside from that I recommend watching some 'motivational study videos'. I find these really do help and certainly have worked for me.

Most peoples mind wanders off of studying at some point. You become demotivated and start to slip. Most of us have been through it but you can still bounce back within reason and raise your marks and ranks back to being where you want them to be.


Critical Hit
Sep 7, 2019

1) Did you do well in year 11, due to Coronavirus, there are some exceptions with Universities and some allow you to apply with Year 11 Results.

2) Take a step back and just reflect, write something down, rehash your memory. Just take your time off the poor results. Gotta be like the Kangaroo *Can't move backwards, only move forwards*. A step in the right direction would be to instead of losing precious time to grief, you could spend time revising mistakes and errors that were prevalent in your exam. Use the poor marks as a wake-up call for success. I have failed many times but it acts as the catalyst to review the feedback/mistakes as activation energy to do well.

3) Don't compare yourself to other people. Avoid saying (this guy got higher than me or whatevs), it would just bring you down and make you think that you are hopeless where you are actually not. I have faith in you. There have been so many success stories from F student to 90-ATAR. I have done this countless times and have failed just by being Jealous.

4) You should know what you are fighting for, a High ATAR, Uni Degree etc, if you know what you are fighting for, you should swear an oath to protect it, never let it go, the dwelling would break it. As doctor dusk says, write your goals down, I have a vision board with like a certain atar number, picture of a couple of great unis like UTS, UNSW, USYD, people who I will make proud, a younger self of me and it just tells me why I'm in this and why I will persevere.

5) APPLY THE PARACHUTE, if you don't do well, there are other pathways to a great career, you can do bridging courses, tafe, trade etc, one of my friends who went through this route is a truck driver earning 6 figures.

IF you want the HARSH ADVICE
SWITCH ON, Change your Gears (Manual Car Reference). That's what my parent's say.
If I say I made a couple of mistakes, they say *We made a couple of mistakes too, YOU*.


New Member
Jun 19, 2018
Honestly, guys, how do you motivate yourselves?

I know this is supposed the be 'the year' that we actually feel motivated for once - our be all and end all, the year we strut out having achieved our greatest because we finally (or for some, always) worked our hardest... but at this rate that really won't be me.

I've stuffed up quite a few of my results. In Maths Adv I'm averaging a 70%, and in Maths Ext I just got a 40% back. For English and History I'm basically becoming a progressively average student, and I don't know how to motivate myself again. I've never gotten these marks before, so I'm really confused about what I'm doing wrong - especially since it's year 12. I've moved down from my year ranking of 19/120 to pretty much the middle of my year, so I'm awfully confused, stressed, and obviously demotivated.

Does anyone have any idea how to make yourself work hard? Although it's all going wrong, I still want to do well, even if it seems stupid. I'm willing to take some harsh words. Please help me get back on track!
Motivation will always be a problem in everyone's life particularly during the HSC and It definitely took a toll of my mental health. Just know that this will be over soon, nothing last forever so just make sure you give it your full effort as much as you can muster out of yourself. It's okay to take a day off and literally do no studying, however make sure during this time you write down what you need to do and clear your mind of all your thoughts (just write everything from head to paper thats bothering you e.g. low marks in a subject and what you could do to fix it etc.) Trials are coming up soon and there will be a lot of competition, some people will see you as a threat because rankings and what not, but just know you have to come out on top because YOU want it. Note this advice may not be for everyone - I compared myself to people a lot (which is probably not the right way to go about things which may be bad but it gave me "motivation" if you could call it that - also made me mentally fatigued, but HSC is all about the grind

Some other notes
- Take it day by day , week by week
- Write down what you are going to do for the day because it actually makes you wanna do things
- Surround yourself with like minded people that actually want to do well in the HSC => it'll make you want to do well
- If you are feeling pressured, that's normal
- Don't worry about your "poor" performance on your past exams all you can do now is give it your best try so you don't have regrets about not trying your hardest after the HSC is over
- After you finish all the content start doing past papers from other schools and time yourself ( If this sounds like its too much dw it was for me too at the start but you'll get used to it)
- Motivation is a small burst of energy and it is difficult to rely on rather you should get a schedule e.g. wake up at 8 eat, study 1 hr, then break 5-15 min
- Know that the other people around you want a good HSC rank and mark too and rather than being overwhelmed by them you should join them in that race
- Don't think too much about others it will cloud your study
- Don't get complacent

Personally i didn't do that well during my first term last year in some subjects and it wasn't the end of the world
Another note: music that has a motivational message helps as well - but also know that always pushing yourself is good however if you push too much you will overwork and fatigue yourself. I recommend a song that you can resonate with and really hits you (gives you goosepumps or that throb in your heart to rise and push harder)
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