Honours if 1 less unit of study than required; special consiederation or such? (1 Viewer)


first year B.A.
Aug 14, 2008
Honours if 1 less unit of study than required; special consiederation or such?

This is probably really stupid and I am ashamed to be asking but here goes. I am really really passionate about animal rights and so was so enthused about the Cultrual Studies subject Animal/Human cultures that although I was all set and succesfully enrolled to Hons in hsty for 2013 I decided instead to do Diploma for extra year so that I can focus on animal rights. Atlhough so far HD average, I have been having really an awful year, bad family circumstances resulting in severe psychological problems, self harm and suicide attempt. I really really feel I am struggling with the workload which in the past I have been on top of. Espiecally with Youth Cultures subject since I have Asperger's and depression I cannot use any "real life experience" as we're supposed to. I really really wish I could withdraw (whilst it still is economically possible due to census date).
Does there exist any chance or such that a student may possibly get accepted to hons if they would have 42 instead of 46 credit points as long as they have good academic dispositions otherwise (marks, awards etc)? I know it is probably stupid to even ask such a notion, but I really wish something could be done - or an alternative assesment or something of the sort.

Did anyone have experience of success getting into Hons even though the requirement was not fully completed?

I am very ashamed to be asking such a question to virtual strangers and exposing my weakness that I am deeply ashamed of; it is out of desperation. Also please don't think I am wanting special consideration insofar as thinking myself special or above in anyway on the contrary I think myself exremely lowly and awful and needing of help.I beg in advance please don't be too judgmental in replies even though I deserve it as I am weak I just asking out of and hopelessness.


first year B.A.
Aug 14, 2008
I appreciate very much Your answer Blue Suede thank you so much for Your time! :)

Well, I guess precisely due to the qualms You express (psychological problems = difficulty with hons) is why I worry a bit to speak with Department i.e. if I have mental issues and admit this to them, wouldn’t they just say I definitely cannot do Honours because I’d be too much of a liability?

You are right though, I cannot imagine if I had gone ahead with history hons as I originally planned! I am in the process of getting help (psychologists etc), though really the only thing that really will fix me is if I can leave where I live now (no matter how much pills, and specialists, all their work can be undone by the racist and physically threatening remarks and stalking I experience on a weekly sometimes daily basis), – so hopefully before honours starts I will somehow find somewhere to live in summer break (I wish Fisher 24hour would be open already). It is a matter of somehow scraping through this semester.

Whilst on one hand it is a huge stress, on other levels uni is my saving grace as it sort of gives me some meaning (maybe if I do not have bad marks then I am not, as I am told just a "f****** freak immigrant" maybe I am not entirely worthless… (though I probably am) and lets me have my mind on something other than extreme fear and self loathing and despair.


first year B.A.
Aug 14, 2008
That is very helful encouragment thank You Blue Suede! I in fact do have an appointment with them on Thursday, so thank You for mentioning that!

Volunteer yes I work at Cat Protection society. Partly (partly, in a self perpetuating cycle,) that due to my problems I do not at all express enough confidence to get a job (it’s all about self promotion’n that these days); though most staff there did get a job there by volunteering so cross my fingers.. It’s sort of like Karl Pilkington who wants to have 'gone from being a station manager to delivering newspapers and walking dogs' - 'as long as you're happy that's all that matters'. (I “fit in” better with felines then with humans, and feel I am helping individual animal more by feeding them than writing about them) :) but no matter what, if not to please parents and have sense of self respect, hons at minimum I must do..

Also I worry if I barely manage studies I worry a lot how I could manage with job I am too weak– I am in extreme admiration of those who balance job and studies!

You have been very very helpful and supportive thank You so much. This is the first time I wrote about a sensitive/personal issue on internet and am relieved and pleasantly surprised how kind the response is . I really am grateful to You Blue Suede.

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