knows how to rave
OMG THAT'S ME! i'm totally the same manI'd just like to ask a question, and leave some information out there that may get me slandered but you know what? I don't care. My mood could not be worse.
I did not date once through highschool. I did not have any relationship through schooling what-so-ever (including sexual).
Yes, for those of you slow on the uptake, I was a virgin all the way through my entire schooling life. And I mean virgin as in never even been kissed or even looked at.
No girl had an interest in me (I know of ONE that did) and nor did I them. I've always been the black sheep/outcast/freak/unattractive/unlovable/unwanted one. I basically stopped looking after year 9 and was happy to be permanently single by year 12.
Basically, what grade was your first 'first' date? Anyone have similar experiences as me? (doubt it).
first kiss wasn't until i was 19!!