Help with pathway to BE Surveying @ UNSW (Warning - Long Post) (1 Viewer)


New Member
Feb 2, 2013
Sydney, NSW
I wanted to study a Bachelor of Engineering (Surveying) @ UNSW but with an ATAR around 82, it's not likely that I will directly get in to that degree (the cut off is around 91). I researched around to see if there was any other pathways to get there, and found two methods:

  1. Apply for Bachelor of Science @ UNSW (cut-off 84, achievable with bonus points - 87) and then perform an Internal Transfer
  2. Apply for Bachelor of Engineering (Any course) (cut-off around 85, achievable with bonus points - 87) @ another University and then perform an External Transfer

There are other pathways as well (via TAFE or University of Newcastle), but I rather leave it last (as I would not prefer TAFE if I can help it, and Newcastle is too far away for me) ...

Of course both methods require around two semester before applying (though the second method also allows for a mid-year transfer but most likely uses pure ATAR to enter).

I know the first method is easier (as it has a lower cut-off and around half of the program overlaps), but if I somehow mess up in any courses or there are no places in the desired program, then I'm stuck with the degree that I didn't really want in the first place.
Also, I don't know if I may or may not be allowed to take courses in different faculties (from what I gathered, there is conflicting evidence from the main website and this forum about taking courses).

The second method is harder as I figured to perform an external transfer (say from UTS or USyd) to UNSW, they may take into account about the ATAR and the GPA/WAM, which may not guarantee a place either and the potential for some units using the credit transfer not counted. The benefit of this is that if I don't succeed, at least not I'm stuck with a degree that I didn't want and can choose accordingly.

So my question is which of the pathways is better to go through (considering the potential risks and rewards to get to the goal)?
I know it's a long post and I shouldn't worry about it, but this really concerning to me that I cannot sleep at night (yeah cliche, I know but you get my point)...


Mar 9, 2012
Uni Grad
I'm currently studying Electrical and Biomedical engo @ UNSW, and just recently moved from just plain Electrical to Electrical and Biomed.

I think that it would be relatively easy to move from science to engo and you could probably use Science electives to take the courses required to progress though the degree. If you've got your heart set on UNSW which I would recommend because I think it's a great uni. The science pathway is a great chance to transfer.

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