Homosexuality in Cyteen
Llyrai said:
Okay, first off, sorry if this irritates anyone.
I'm pretty sure most people doing spec fic will find this tread useless, so ill get rid of it sooner or later.
Is anyone doing Cyteen? Can you tell me if it contains any references on homosexuality? characters or anything?
Im writing an article on the presentation of homosexuals in spec fic as one of the texts i have to compose for a assessment. But i havent read Cyteen, and it seems unlikly that I'll. So yeah, any help, greatly appreciated. If i can help in return with anything, i certainly will!
Thanks heaps.
Haha, you have no idea how long it took to find these references.. and I know you're not even really doing Cyteen but I figured they could be useful for someone else.
Jordan, Paul, Justin and Grant all have homosexual tendencies. I'm not sure if your page numbers would be the same as mine, but these are the ones I have;
page 140 - " ... And lay there with just the sheet, too cold until Justin woke up midway through the night and got a blanket for him. And hugged him and cried on his shoulder, a long, long time.
"I need you so much," Justin had said.
Perhaps because he was azi, perhaps because he was human, he did not know - that was the most important thing anyone had ever said to him. He had wept too. He did not know why, except Justin was his life. Justin was everything to him. "I need you too," he had said. "I love you."
In the dark hours. In the hours before morning. When people could say things that were too real to say by daylight.
Justin had fallen to sleep by his side a second time. Grant had waked first, and lain there a long time, content to know Justin was there. Until Justin had waked and gotten up, apologizing for having slept there.
As if he had not wanted Justin there, all night. As if Justin was not the most important thing in the world to him, who made him feel safe. Who was the one he would do anything for.
Whom he loved, in a way that no woman and nothing he had ever longed for could matter to him."
page 515 - "He and Grant were lovesr. She knew that from gossip in the House. She couldn't imagine it.
Except at night, when she was lying in the dark looking at the cieling and wondering what made them that way and whether-
-whether he HAD any feelings about her, and whether it was all just worry about Security that made him want Grant there all the time."
page 548 - "She used to work with Jordan. They worked real well at first. But Jordan's upbringing made him a dominant, and she was, and the two of them had a lot of problems which bounced off a sexual encounter they had had when he was 17 and she was 92. That was his only heterosexual relationship, and what went wrong with it had more to do with the fact that he was not hetero to begin with and he had, at 17, begun working with Ari as a student - the whole pattern identical to what happened with Justin."
page 549 - "Anyway, that was Jordan Warrick - not to leave out his companion, Paul."
Also many references throughout the whole book referring to Paul and Jordan in the light of a 'couple'.
page 549 - "Things were pretty good between her and Jordan during that period, and she told Jordan a couple of years later that she had an Alpha test subject she wanted socialized, and would he like to do it and incidentally provide a playmate for his own son."
Hope that helped someone somewhere!