Gardiner & Wilson - She was a puppet pharaoh, Thut3 hated her, weak woman etc. Reflects own values of 1900ish archaeology.
Redford & Bennet - More successful pharaoh than many others (thut 4 etc); Thut 3 didnt deface monuments (there is a specific person who said 40ish yrs later - was it Nims?); being a woman didnt restrict her abilities - though frequently portrayed visually as male (dual images, for masses and for the literate). More objective analysis of evidence.
can't think of anymore off the top of my head...
but u should check that, i might be lying to drop your marks
plus i wanna know if im wrong.
U wont need a comprehensive discussion of them anyway, because it isnt in essay format, so just drop names (and evidence) in where it is relevant to the question.