Full marks? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 11, 2003
South Coast NSW
Ok, I have come first in my class in every exam but for my 1st essay I continue to get 23/25 and I'm not sure why. I think I see where I lost one mark in the trial but where is that extra mark?

I cover Windshuttle v Reynolds, Gavin Menzies (Chinese discovering Aus.), Michael Millet's article on Japanese WWII textbooks, Windshuttle v Irving, Herodotus, Polybius, Bede and Gibbon.

So if there's anyone out and about who got full marks for essay 1, please give me some pointers as to what you did because my teacher didn't criticise my essay, he just said everything that was good about it.


skin graft
Jun 16, 2003
how did you relate the source in your essay? were you doing it by way of introducing points from the source as your structure?

are you covering conceptual ground as well as the historians? they love it when you mention all the key words and obviously relate it all back to those key questions.

maybe you lost the mark for using Windshuttle at all. the fucker taints everything.


Oct 15, 2003
errrm well i came close to full marks for this question too - not that matters because obviously different school mark differently and i have a suspicion our teacher just was on drugs when he marked my exam - anyways to answer your question

- i dont think it depends on your coverage of historians as to what mark you will get - however you need to be able to relate each one effectively to the source and the question
- some historains are better suited to the question than others eg last year the Carr/Elton debate a really goood example becoz it centered around different interpretations of historical fact and evidence
- perhaps you should include some info. on postmodernists becoz the m/ment is pretty significant - challenges the very notion of what history is
- your stregth of argument will also help you get high marks - maybge practise writing a couple of paragraphs (personally i couldnt be bothered but whateva)
- use of quotational evidencce from other sources including the board of studies source booklet will give the marker a good impression and boost your marks
- also tagentential references to other historians or schools of thought during your paragraphs is a good idea
eg when discussing Windshuttle link his approach to von Ranke
this is essentially showing off but could make them that more inclined to give you a higher mark

* know your historians
* answer the question
* spend some time dissecting the source b4 launching into it

- you will be right
- goodluck!
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sugared plum

Sep 11, 2003
My teacher keeps emphasising that the essay must 'read well'. I've sort of understood this to mean - don't worry too much if you know fuck all, because a lot of marks will come from how well you write - language, style, links, paragraph structure.

I know this seems a bit superficial, but if you tighten stuff up maybe you can get full marks.

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