暗號 | An Hao | Secret Signal
Other Translations: Hint
曲: 周杰倫
Qu: Zhou Jie Lun
Music: Jay Chou
Ci: Xu Shi Chang
Lyrics: Xu Shi Chang
Translation: dazzlette -
Verse 1
我想要的 想做的 佪比誰都了
Wo Xiang Yao De / Xiang Zuo De / Ni Bi Shui Dou Le
What I want / Want to do / You have more than others
佪想說的 想給的 我全都知道
Ni Xiang Shuo De / Xiang Gei De / Wo Quan Dou Zhi Dao
What you want to say / Want to give/ I know it all
未接來電 沒留言 一定是佪媤單的想念
Wei Jie Lai Dian / Mei Liu Yan / Yi Ding Shi Ni Gu Dan De Xiang Nian
Haven't received your call/ No voice messages / You must be alone missing me
任何人都 猜不到 這是我們的暗號
Ren He Ren Dou Cai Bu Dao / Zhe Shi Wo Men De An Hao
No one is able to guess / That this is our secret signal
Verse 2
他們猜 隨便猜 不重要
Ta Men Cai / Shui Bian Cai / Bu Zhong Yao
They guess/ Anyhow (randomly) guess/ It's not important
連上彼檤的訊號 才有個依靪
Lian Shang Bi Ci De Xun Hao / Cai You Ge Yi Kao
Connect to each other's signal/ Then there's something to rely on
有太多人太多事 夾在我們之間咆哮
You Tai Duo Ren Tai Duo Shi / Jia Zai Wo Men Zi Jian Pao Xiao
Too many people too many events/ Coming between us, making noise (shouting)
雜訊太多訊號弱 就連風吹都要干擾
Za Xun Tai Duo Xun Hao Ruo / Jiu Lian Feng Chui Dou Yao Gan Rao
Too many unclear (messy) and weak signals / Even the wind wants to disturb
可是佪不想 一直走在黑暗地下道
Ke Shi Ni Bu Xiang / Yi Zhi Zou Zai Hei An Di Xia Dao
But you don't want to walk in the dark underground path (i.e. be secretive)
想吹風 想自由 想要一起手牽手
Xiang Chui Feng / Xiang Zi You / Xiang Yao Yi Qi Shou Qian Shou
Want to enjoy yourself / Enjoy freedom / Want to together hand in hand
去看海 繞世界流浪
Qu Kan Hai / Rao Shi Jie Liu Lang
See the Ocean / Travel round the world freely
我害怕佪心碎沒人 幫佪擦眼淚
Wo Hai Pa Ni Xin Sui Mei Ren Bang Ni Cha Yan Lei
I'm afraid that when you're heart-broken there won't be anyone to help wipe your tears
別管那是非 祇要我們感覺對
Bie Guan Na Shi Fei / Zhi Yao Wo Men Gan Jue Dui
Don't bother about what others say / As long as our feeling is right
我害怕佪心碎沒人 幫佪擦眼淚
Wo Hai Pa Ni Xin Sui Mei Ren Bang Ni Cha Yan Lei
I'm afraid that when you're heart-broken there won't be anyone to help wipe your tears
別離開身邊 擁有佪我的世界才能完美
Bie Li Kai Shen Bian / Yong You Ni Wo De Shi Jie Cai Neng Wan Mei
Don't leave my side / Only having you can my world be perfect
Repeat Verse 1
Repeat Chorus
佪說佪想逃開鬆手 愛太累愛得不自由
Ni Shuo Ni Xiang Duo Kai Song Shou / Ai Tai Lei Ai De Bu Zi You
You say you want to leave, let go of my hand/ Love's too tiring, too restrictive
Yin Wei Wo Gei Bu Qi Zui Jian Dan De Cheng Nuo
Because I can't give you the most simple promise
佪停檢收訊號 我開始搜尋不到
Ni Ting Zhi Shou Xun Hao / Wo Kai Shi Sou Xun Bu Dao
You stop receiving the signal / I start to not be able to find
到底有誰知道 是幾點鐘方向 佪才會收到暗號
Dao Di You Shui Zhi Dao / Shi Ji Dian Zhong Fang Xiang / Ni Cai Hui Shou Dao An Hao
Does anyone know? / In which direction / You can receive the secret signal
晴天 | Qing Tian | Sunny Day
Other Translations: Clear Day, Cloudless Day
曲/詞: 周杰倫
Qu/Ci: Zhou Jie Lun
Music/Lyrics: Jay Chou
Translation: Hyde –
gu shi de xiao huang hua
The small yellow flower from the story
cong chu sheng na nian jiu piao zhe
Was wandering since he day she was born
tong nian de dang qiu qian
Swinging on a swing in her childhood
sui ji yi yi zhi huang dao xian zai
Swinging her memories all the way until now.
ㄖㄨㄟ ㄙㄡ ㄙㄡ ㄒ一 ㄉㄡ ㄒ一
re sou sou xi dou xi
ㄌㄚ ㄙㄡ ㄌㄚ ㄒ一 ㄒ一 ㄒ一 ㄒ一 ㄌㄚ ㄒ一 ㄌㄚ ㄙㄡ
la sou la xi xi xi xi la xi la sou
(*note: there is no translation for these two lines, they're merely a musical scale such as do re mi fa so la...)
chui zhe qian zou wang zhe tian kong
Playing an opening theme, looking into the sky
wo xiang qi hua ban shi zhe diao luo
I think of petals trying to fall
wei ni tiao ke de na yi tian
That day I skipped school for you;
hua luo de na yi tian
That day the flower fell;
jiao shi de na yi jian
The space of the classroom;
wo zen me kan bu jian
Why can’t I see it?
xiao shi de xia yu tian
That rainy day that disappeared -
wo hao xiang zai lin yi bian
How I want to be rained upon again
mei xiang dao shi qu de yong qi wo hai liu zhe
Never thought that I still kept my lost courage
hao xiang zai wen yi bian
How I want to ask again:
ni hui deng dai hai shi li kai
Will you wait or will you go away?
刮风这天 我试过握着佪手
gua feng zhe tian wo shi guo wo zhe ni shou
That day that the wind blew I tried to hold your hand
但偏偏 雨渐渐
dan pian pian yu jian jian
But unfortunetly, the rain kept on
da dao wo kan ni bu jian
Falling until I couldn’t see you
还要多久 我才能在佪身边
hai yao duo jiu wo cai neng zai ni shen bian
How much longer until I can be beside you again?
窉待放晴的那天 也许我会比较好一点
deng dai fang qing de na tian ye xu wo hui bi jiao hao yi dian
Waiting for the day to turn clear, maybe I’ll be a little better then
从前从前 有个人爱佪很久
cong qian cong qian you ge ren ai ni hen jiu
Long ago, a person loved you for so long
但偏偏 风渐渐
dan pian pian feng jian jian
But unfortunetly, the wind kept on
ba ju li chui de hao yuan
Blowing, widening the gap so much further
好不容易 又能再多爱一天
hao bu rong yi you neng zai duo ai yi tian
So difficult, (I have) another day to love again
dan gu shi de zui hou ni hao xiang shuo le bai bai
But it seems that, at the end of the tale you still said, “Goodbye”
Good songs