Expletives in the Cinema (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Aug 7, 2003
i love a well delivered profanity in a movie
here are some of my standout favourites - please post your own!

Clerks (1994)
Dante: Fuck.... Fuck, Fuck, FUCK!!! (...I'm not supposed to be here today...)
Great delivery in a pretty comedic circumstance. On an already shitty day his hockey game gets fucked up.

Jesus Christ
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)
King Arthur: JESUS CHRIST!!!!
Downright hilarious. King Arthur has to scream 'jesus christ' as a huge wooden rabbit is catapaulted toward him.

Die Hard (1988)
John McClane: Shiiit!! (dives away from inferno)
After strapping a lot of C4 explosives to a monitor and tossing it down an empty elevator shaft what does McClane see down there?... after a brief pause of nothing a fucking huge fireball comes hurtling up the shaft. Willis' expression is priceless and all he can make of the situation is SHIIIT and dive for his dear life.

American Beauty (1999)
Angela Hayes: I'm serious. He just pulled down his pants and yanked it out. You know, like, "Say hello to Mr. Happy."
Girl #1: Gross.
Angela Hayes: It wasn't gross. It was kinda cool.
Girl #1: So did you do it with him?
Angela Hayes: Of course I did. He's like a really well known photographer. He shoots for "Elle" on like a regular basis. It would have been so majorly stupid of me to turn him down.
Girl #2: You are a total prostitute.
Angela Hayes: Hey! That's how things really are. You just don't know 'cause you're this pampered little suburban chick.
Girl #2: So are you. You've only been in "Seventeen" once and you looked fat! So stop acting like you're goddamn Christy Turlington!
Angela Hayes: Cunt! I am so sick of people taking their insecurities out on me.
I know this movie isn't very popular on this board, but i had to include this scene - it's pretty funny. Cunt comes out of nowhere and her followup call is the icing.


every me
Mar 20, 2004
north shore./
hahah clerks <3 :)

um for me its in He Died with a Felafel In His Hand

Flip: Yeah, I heard tell once dudes that a guy has about 4,000 times in him before he's all used up.

Milo: It's fucking bullshit.

Danny: More like forty thousand.

Otis: In your dreams, stick man.

Danny: Add it up, two times a day, seven days a week for what... I don't know 40 years?

Taylor: Two times a day?

Otis: Who the fuck gets to do it two times a fucking day?

Danny: Me and Jess used to.

Otis: Two times a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year...

Danny: Me and Jess used to do it five times a day.

Taylor: For forty years? What about hangovers? What about christmas day? How the fuck are you going to do it five times on a Christmas Day while the family is sitting around carving up the turkey?

Danny: Make up for it at night with the wife.

Taylor: Wife? What wife? You haven't had a wife in over six months.

Danny: I haven't got a problem getting women. I've got this thing I do that make them go gaga.

Otis: How exactly do you mean gaga?

Danny: Gaga. Insane, beserk, talking in tongues, you know... gaga.

Milo: What like some sort of secret weapon?

Flip: Some kind of weird sideways movement?
Danny: I can't really say flip, but its pretty special. Though it could be worth a lot of money.

Taylor: Let's just get this straight. You're 20-something years old, you have no job, no money, very few prospescts. You haven't been seen in the vicinity of anything which even faintly resembles a member of the opposite sex in over 6 months. And yet you sit here and tell us that you have some kind of special thing that makes the other side go gaga. Well if it makes them go so fucking gaga what the fuck are you doing here with us losers?

Flip: He's got a point there Danster.

Danny: Well I didn't say it fixed all the emotional stuff did I?

there was another quote i wanted to use when danny goes nuts at an insecure homosexual, but imdb doesnt have it and i cbf finding it somewhere


Active Member
May 12, 2005
Greater Bulli
Yeah that one from American Beauty is great. So cutting. :p (also I realise it's not a BOS favourite, but I think it's brilliant)

Arnie in 1986's Predator will never be topped.
Arnie: You're one ugly motherfucker!

From 1994's classic of expletive-filled cinema Pulp Fiction. This one is filled with all sorts of profanity, but it's the "shits" that top it off. Jackson's last line in this is so great.
Vincent: Whoa!
Jules: What the fuck's happening, man? Ah, shit man!
Vincent: Oh man, I shot Marvin in the face.
Jules: Why the fuck did you do that!
Vincent: Well, I didn't mean to do it, it was an accident!
Jules: Oh man I've seen some crazy ass shit in my time...
Vincent: Chill out, man. I told you it was an accident. You probably went over a bump or something.
Jules: Hey, the car didn't hit no motherfucking bump.
Vincent: Hey, look man, I didn't mean to shoot the son of a bitch. The gun went off. I don't know why.
Jules: Well look at this fucking mess, man. We're on a city street in broad daylight here!
Vincent: I don't believe it.
Jules: Well believe it now, motherfucker! We gotta get this car off the road! You know cops tend to notice shit like you're driving a car drenched in fucking blood.
Vincent: Just take it to a friendly place, that's all.
Jules: This in the Valley, Vincent. Marcellus ain't got no friendly places in the Valley.
Vincent: Well Jules this ain't my fucking town, man!
Jules: Shit!

Coogan and Considine's argument in 2002's 24 Hour Party People is probably the most poigniant moment in a fast-paced drug fuelled film of its type. Beautifully delievered.
Rob: You know your trouble, Tony? You don't know what you are. You see, I fucking know what you are, but you don't know what you are.
Tony:My curiosity's got the better of me Rob, tell me, what am I?
Rob: You're a cunt.
Tony: Well, that was something I *did* know, you see, I actually did know that.

And as a close second comes 1999's Magnolia and Tom Cruise's unforgettable delievery at his self-help seminar. Gosh this is great. :D
Frank TJ Mackey: Respect the cock; and tame the cunt.


Beyond Godlike
Nov 10, 2004
hehehe. cunt

so whats the post offensive word used in cinema these days? i tend to think fuck has lost its edge so is it cunt now?


Active Member
Aug 7, 2003
probably for a single word

it's more taboo to be racist or sexist or homophobic, i would think (in some contexts anyway)

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