English Is Over For Good!!!!!! (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 14, 2004
Near the bush, the beach, the mountains, the river

Take a breath and think about it:
No more English forced down our throats against our will ever again.

I'm sure some of you liked it, and will probably become teachers or whatever, but there is a simple word to describe you and your kind: Crazy.

For the rest of us not-so-crazy-peoples have fun.

No more will we have to care if someone is talking about journey, or transformation or powerplay or whatever, instead we will just flinch at those horrible words that once had very little meaning to our lives. No more studying certain texts that seem irrelevant to the topic or that just should never be studied (that's right yeats, I'm talking about you). But best of all, no more having to raise your hand, and make some bullshit contribution that sounds great cause it's filled with big words that the teacher hardly understands.

Finally, I'd like to say a personal thanks to everyone who has contributed to this site to make my (and your) HSC so much easier, and showing us that we aren't alone in whatever situation we're in (that goes for all subjects).

Goodbye English, i wont miss you. (or at least not until i have some sort of midlife crisis and start to reflect on the good ol' days).

ps.i cant tell the difference between a noun and a verb and i don't care (that's what the start of a dictionary is for).
And everyone who isn't finished this subject, or some other subject they hate - you'll finish it one day, and it tastes sooo good!


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