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EFS units review (1 Viewer)


Nov 23, 2004
Saw similar things on both Usyd and UNSW threads. Thought we should start one of our own. So here it goes. Please refrain from requesting units or chit chat on this thread.

ECON110- Macroeconomics

Ease 9/10 :
very very easy unit this year. Lecture attendance not needed and all they test is basically 3 chapters in the text book. D-HD easy with couple of hours of study a week.

Lecturer 7/10: Max is no good. Craig is good and i never had Alex. Finishes early most of the time due to the lack of content to occupy the full 2 hours.

Tutorial 4/10: not so useful if you read your text book. ROck up occasionally to get your attendance.

Overall: 9/10 Easy unit but dead boring at times. High score due to the fact its easy.

Econ 111: Micro
Ease: 8/10 Lecture not really necessary as long as you rote learn your book.

lecture: 7/10: good lecturers but not so interesting msot of times

Tute: not sure as ive done it in summer school

Overall: 8/10 Easy but boring.

Acst 151 introduction to acst
Ease: 7.5/10 Not so hard as long as you study. Some concepts pretty difficult for first years.

Lecture 8/10. John pollard was really good. attendance recommended due to its difficulty. and text book not so detailed.

tute: recommended attendance as it gives you practice to exam style questions

overall: 8/10 Had a good time while learning.

Math 132:
Ease: 8/10 Extention of high school 4u math. Not so much study required to get decent mark. I didnt do too well though.

Lecture: 6/10 dead boring. most of time spent on proofs which is NOT tested.

tutes: 7/10 pretty bland, nothing interesting.

overall 7/10 so so unit, not good, not bad

math 133
ease: 6/10 Hard, but as long as you are prepared to learn its not so bad.
Lecture: 6/10 Horrible as usual but what can you do.
Tute: 6/10 Must attend as solution not on webct.
OVERALL: 6/10 be glad once its over.

accg 105

ease: 9/10. one word.....easy
lecture: 6/10 asian ladies who cannot pronounce things properly. dead boring
tute: compulsory but boring nontheless.
Overall: 8/10. because its easy.

acst 200

Ease 7/10 Depends on who you talk to it might be harder or easier. NOT extention of 101 as some ppl have suggested. much harder.

Lecture 7/10 Not so interesting but what can you do. Attend it or prepare to fail.

Tute: 5/10. not necessary. solution to tutes on webct.

Overall: 7/10. one of those exemption units that you just gotta do. such is life.

Ease: 6/10 Pretty hard unit. plenty of study needed and theres no guarantee you'll get it even in the end. Depends on whos in charge it might get harder or easier.

Lecture: 7/10 refer to acst 200
Tute: : 5/10 refer to acst 200
Overall: 7/10 refer to above.


Nov 23, 2005
Well ive done pretty much the same units lol.

STAT171 - Statistical Data Analysis.
Ease: 6/10 not hard to pass, but 1/4 actuarial studies dont get the credit. alot of people take the subject too lightly.

Lecture 7/10: pretty good, helps alot.

Tutorial: 2/10 my tutor was useless

Overall: 6/10 do the work and youll get ur credit that u need.

ACCG101 - Accounting 1B
Ease: 7/10 Alot harder than accg105, but still very basic.

Lecture: 0/10 i didn't bother

Tutorial: 6/10 again compulsary which is good cause it makes u do work.

Overall: 6/10 harder than 105 but yeah do the work and u can do well.

ECON110- Macroeconomics

Ease 7/10 :
Economics is not my forte, but this is not too difficult.

Lecturer 8/10: Alex is VERY good. He knows whats going on. Lectures are good, but not necessary. You can learn everything from the textbook, because the textbook was specifically written for this course.

Tutorial 4/10: Only need to go to do your presentation that is worth 5%, problem is you don't know what week you will get called up.

Overall 6/10: Decent unit, didn't really enjoy it that much though.

Econ 111: Micro

Ease 9/10: Very straight forward subject.

Lecture: 6/10: Lecturer can be boring most of the time, it is possible to learn off the textbook, I did.

Tute 2/10: Pretty much useless, the tutorials are in a small lecture theatre with about 200 other people, not much of a tutorial.

Overall: 8/10 Easy but boring.

Acst 151 introduction to acst

Ease: 7/10: Not many tricks, but the subject matter is a bit difficult

Lecture 8/10. Pretty good, recommended.

Tute: recommended attendance as it gives you practice to exam style questions

Overall: 7/10 This will test to see if youve made the right course choice.

Math 132:
Ease: 8/10 Goes into more detail of high school topics. It shows you how to derive the results used in high school maths and why they work.

Lecture: 6/10 VERY boring. More then most of time spent on proofs which is NOT tested. You only need to know the results and how to apply them.

tutes: 7/10 BOring and not compulsary

overall 7/10 alot of people bludge this subject, but its not hard to get a good mark.

math 133
ease: 6/10 Pretty difficult, alot worse than math132.

Lecture: 6/10 See math132

Tute: 6/10 I would recommend.

OVERALL: 5/10 pretty tedious

accg 105
ease: 9/10. very easy
lecture: 6/10 boring and you can't understand the lecturer.
tute: compulsary, but good cause it makes you do the work and that should be enough to get a very decent mark
Overall: 8/10. because it boosts your gpa.

acst 200
Ease 6/10 MUCH harder than acst101. topics are detailed and have some tricks.

Lecture 7/10 Good to help you understand the material more. But once you understand it you should do good.

Tute: 5/10. not compulsary at all. pretty useless really, better off spend time at home studying.

Overall: 6/10. its alright once youve got the topics in your brain youve got them.

Ease: 2/10 bloody pain in the ass subject. i wish it would die!
Lecture: 7/10 helps alot to understand things.
Tute: : my tutor was an absolute genious so he went way too fast.
Overall: 1/10 i wish it would die.


drop out
Nov 13, 2004
Waste of time writing it out imo. I've done these units as well and my opinion differs for most.

People's previous experiences with units differ dramatically from all taking the unit so any subjective statements should be taken with a grain of salt.


If you put in advice for other people to consider (and people should always consider advice online with a grain of salt), it's not a waste of time.


Local hairy ethnic man
May 6, 2005
I'm pretty bored and I did these units too LOL but I'll throw up my opinions.

ACST151 Pretty interesting unit. It's meant to be the hardest unit you do in first semester, but a lot of people get pretty good marks in it, simply because it's the most interesting unit. Attending lectures and tutorials is recommended, because they're interesting enough that you'll learn from them. Has about a 10% fail rate.

MATH132 Goes into more detail in high school 4unit, and it's not that hard. Pretty boring though. We had 223 people doing it semester 1, and about 50 of those people dropped out for math133 in semester 2, with a few dropping out after the semester started.

STAT171 37% of Actuaries failed to get the credit needed in my year. This subject isn't actually hard, but it's so easy at the start that a lot of people cruise, and then don't go so well in it. After completing it, you'll see that weeks 1-5 are very easy and then the next 5 weeks are pretty much varieties of the same concept, so it's not really that hard. The half yearly is very strict on time though, so you'll have to know your stuff for that. Lectures are decent if you have Suzanne Curtis, but are epic fail if you have Nino. Tutes are kinda useless, just go for the answers and to hand up compulsory tutes.

ECON110 I freaking hate Econ subs, but they're not too hard. In my year, the marking for the finals was very random, where people seemed to get grades that didn't correspond to their marks throughout the semester. The tutes are only really worth it to do the presentation, and the lectures aren't necessary at all.

MATH133 A lot more difficult than MATH132. A lot of the topics, such as the algebra topics have questions where there is only one real method to do the question, but LEARNING the method is painful. Calculus tended to be easier to learn, but you'll tend to get questions with more variety. Lectures are boring, only went to lectures and tutes to get notes down and learn at home, since tutes aren't online and William Chen's notes are weird.

ACCG105 The easiest unit you will probably ever do in an Economics based degree. You might be confused at the start, but by the end of it you'll laugh at how easy it is. Tutes are compulsory, so if you do them throughout, you'll be fine. Lectures are completely useless, I went to the first lecture, and then returned for the last lecture in order to smuggle pizzas into a lecture theatre lol.

ECON111 Allan McHarg speaks like he's a commentator at the Melbourne Cup, but it makes his lectures a bit more interesting. I still jigged most of them though, coz this is a sub that you can learn really easily at home. Tutes are useless. Overall, it's an easy sub.

ACST101 If you're not good at maths, you'll probably struggle a lot with it but if you're good, you'll probably think this is the easiest subject you'll ever do at uni, besides maybe ACCG105. You get tests and online quizzes throughout the semester, which is really all the study you need in order to get a Distinction.

ACST211 I left 211 early haha. It starts off pretty easy, then after I left it apparently gets very confusing. It's one of those subjects that will test your ability to think and your understanding, which is why unlike most first year units, the results have a very high variance. Those who don't understand will generally bomb the exam and fail, and those who do can go really well and get Ds and HDs.

ACST200 More confusing than ACST101, but overall not that hard a unit. The theory is pretty simple to get your head around, but there is a lot of room for calculation errors, and Farmer negative marks. Tutes are pretty useless, but your name gets marked off so you might wanna go for special considerations purposes + you might get a higher grade with higher participation. Lectures are good though.

STAT272 A very hard subject. You really have to understand it in order to get a decent mark. Try as hard as you can to do the assignments all by yourself, and try to do the tutes. Many people give up on the tutes coz they're hard and try to cram before the exam, but they tend to go really poor. If you have Barry, definitely attend your lectures.

ACCG253 Not too hard a subject, but the final can have confusing, lengthy questions. Go to the tutes for attendance + to hand up 2 tutorials. Lecturers and tutors have BAD english and you won't learn anything from them, so learn at home.


Nov 23, 2004
another sem has gone by and a few more acst units done. these are my opinion only.

acst255 contingent payment I

ease: ???/10. seems dead easy and straightforward until the final exam when you realise you have 3 hours to do 10 questions (very very big questions). my advice is to ignore all past papers before 07 as it was done by a different lecturer. dont stress too much if you dont manage to finish. i left out a good 15 marks and still got a D (but make sure u get what you should get right right).

interest: <5/10 pure calculator bashing unit evaluating insurance products and reserves. i intend to work in non traditional fields of acst so this stuff was dead boring to me.

lecturer: 7/10 xian is one happy chap, although he couldnt control the class half the time, being too nice and all.

overall: 7/10 decent unit but not like theres any other choice.

statistics I

ease: 7/10 not too hard, bunch of random tests which you are not required to prove. make sure you still read the proof though they expect you to know how it is done. final exam fairly nonstandard so just regurgitating tute solution is not enough. thought i was fair but only had a Cr.

interest: 5/10 nothing to say, pretty dry

lecturer: 8/10 Jun, 5/10 Suzanne jun ma is a god, pretty rare to see a Chinese man with such a good physique. lol. suzanne is ok. she writes her 'own' notes which is pretty annoying somtimes.

overall: 7/10 nothing much to say, compulsory acst unit.

Introductory econometrics

not acst unit but part of my degree as econ double.

ease: 10/10 (if ur an actuarial student) imagine linear regression, which is ONE topic in stat271, take out all the proofs, then halve it.

interest: 9/10 i found it much more interesting than acst units not because its easy, but because it is related to real life examples. eg how to use econometric methods to predict share price (lol), and no it doesnt work out in the end.

lecturer : 5/10 both daehoon and chris ok lecturer, nothing brilliant but not horrible.

overall: 9/10 interesting and easy. unlike a hot chick with brain.
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