Economics (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2021
I recently got my mark back from trials for economics. I did well, however, the essay component slightly let me down ... so I have a few questions:

- What would be a suitable amount of time for writing essays within the exam? If anyone can share a structure they follow in terms of what sections they answer, how long etc.

- This question may seem a bit off but part of the feedback I received was that I always have chosen the harder question of the two essays, which slightly affected my overall mark as I had done comparatively worse to someone who did the 'easier' question. Is there any real way to avoid doing this/how would I go about avoiding this? Also in terms of essays, would you say that it is best to have pre-planned essays ... it wouldn't matter which 'harder' or 'easier' essay you chose?

- In terms of statistics to use in an essay, how much should I be remembering? For example, if I were to write something about changes in the cash rate or changes in the exchange rate during a period of time (GFC, Mining Boom, COVID-19), how often would they need to be? monthly, or just2 points to display a trend



Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2020
time management
mc: 10 mins max (+ additional 5 from reading time)
short: aim for 15 minutes per question, so 60 mins in total. totally fine to go a little bit over. for each question provide one argument or detail for each mark. if you cant think of that many, go into larger detail with the ones you know. use shorthand notation like arrows but not in abundance, only when time saving.
essay: at least 50 minutes each but you might spend longer on one than the other so 40min/60min split works too.

Just choose the essay question youre more comfortable with. in the hsc each essay should be of similar difficulty but nesa likes to see people attempt the harder topics like environmental and balance of payments (that is if they do it right).
dont memorise the essay word for word but memorise your structure and paragraphs. in the exam if you cant remember exact stats just do ballpark estimations.

your stats should be cause and effect, not a matter of how many tho and depends on paragraph structure. Have at least one set for each period for each policy and objective, each cause and consequence of blah. dont limit yourself to quantitative stats like this tho. i remember one of mine for dist of wealth was something like according to rba the average time for households to save for a deposit increased from 6 years (2013) to 9 years (2019) and relate that to housing bubble in MP. try and scavenge for niche ones like this in the textbooks.

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