Does anyone have any notes on Australia in its regional and global context. (1 Viewer)


Jun 6, 2007
Lake Macquarie
The place of Australia in the world
Don't think you'll need to learn anything about this, just basically have place geography knowledge of the countries around our region.

Australia’s regional and global links
At least ONE regional and global link chosen from aid, defence, migration or trade
Already gave you tips on this in the other threads. And sorry, I don't really want to give you my 11 page assignment on this. It's pretty straight-forward though, I followed the steps that I posted on the day before it was due and I got full marks for the assignment.

Future challenges for Australia:

We didn't learn a whole lot about this, though I guess you do need to know a few things. Most of the information stems from the fact that Australia has an aging population, and a growing population. I may have a few notes on this that will be of use, but I'll have to scan them. In the mean times I would just try and get as much info as possible.

Human rights and reconciliation
Same as above basically. Surely there'd be alot more on these kinds of things though. I'll see what I can scan.

You must have a really poor geography teacher though. You sure you can't ask them about this kind of stuff?

Edit: Ok, I just read your PM, check your inbox :)

Oh and wtf? Does anyone else see me as the first poster of this thread :S
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Sep 6, 2007
I'm desperately after notes on Australia in its regional and global context. First and foremost, I've taken a look at the notes section and haven't found anything. I also looked at Squirk, though the information seems a bit all over the place. I've taken the syllabus (below) and need the notes to be able to answer each question. If maybe someone could organise the skwirk notes into the questions/outcomes below, that would be most appreciated.

The place of Australia in the world
Australia’s location in relation to its near neighbours and their territorial boundaries

Australia’s regional and global links
· The ways Australia interacts with other nations including:
– aid
– communication
– culture
– defence
– migration
– tourism
– trade
– sport

At least ONE regional and global link chosen from aid, defence, migration or trade:
· The nature of the link
· The roles of the government and of non-government organisations in relation to the link
· Treaties and/or agreements relevant to the link
· Cultural, economic and geopolitical advantages and disadvantages to Australia
· Social justice and equity issues in Australia and other countries

Future challenges for Australia:

· current and future population trends:
– growth rates, age structure and spatial distribution
– government population policies to manage population growth
· implications of population trends:
– ecological sustainability
– population movement and urban planning

Human rights and reconciliation
· future challenges for Australia in relation to:
– human rights
– reconciliation
· How other nations have responded to these challenges
· Strategies to address the challenges

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