Just finished reading yours! I liked the whole concept, the thought of a psychologist who counsels others but really doesn't know anything about her own life and well-being, which people often say of real psychologists. It's interesting and I liked it even more because of my own interest in psychology. You described the beginning quite well, something which I at first thought seemed a bit tedious, but I liked the small details, especially the carpet and stain on the wall, haha. It sounds something like what I'd imagine myself to be like if I became a cranky old psychologist who lived alone. Just not the going mad and living on the street bit. Hopefully. As I was reading it, Anna kept reminding me more of myself... which is really creepy. Maybe some weird sign for my future? Though that got a bit unnerving as she finally cracked and went insane. I don't think I'm that... crazy.
There were one or two typos. I read your RS and it sounded a bit narratative, but I think you did say that you weren't too happy with it or something? It's not bad though. I must admit, the lengthy descriptions throughout got tedious at times and her life seemed very boring, but then again that was the point, wasn't it? So you did quite well in expressing the monotony of her life. Haha, I think someone else said this before but I thought the narrator was a man! Then I was like, wait, it's a girl!? lol. The ending was so depressing though! Like she just went around in circles. But again, this was your aim so the effect melded really quite well with this.
"Something that I only ever assumed my heart agreed with" --> I really like that line. Not sure why. It's kind of poetic, in a way.
Anyway, I liked your concept and wish you all the best come December!