assessment mark fail (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Nov 7, 2014
Hey guys , thanks for all your comments. I ended up being 18/44 which still I'm not happy with as I wanted to come first aha. But I didn't lose Any marks on the theory I just lost marks in
1) Being too general for my method (4marks)
2) not rubbing out my previous graph out properly, it was a BS mark but yeah(1)
3) scale I wrote 1mm instead of cm(1)
4) not relating back to aim for results(2)
5) variables mixed up(2)
6) couldn't read sentence(1)
7) some question (1)

but again thanks everyone for your help, means a lot :)
That means you need to practice doing papers in exam conditions


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2013
Hey guys , thanks for all your comments. I ended up being 18/44 which still I'm not happy with as I wanted to come first aha. But I didn't lose Any marks on the theory I just lost marks in
1) Being too general for my method (4marks)
2) not rubbing out my previous graph out properly, it was a BS mark but yeah(1)
3) scale I wrote 1mm instead of cm(1)
4) not relating back to aim for results(2)
5) variables mixed up(2)
6) couldn't read sentence(1)
7) some question (1)

but again thanks everyone for your help, means a lot :)
The way to fix 1) would be too read the methods of similar questions in past paper sample answers and adjusting as required (if you think up the method yourself it is quite likely you missed something important or that it wasn't perfect)
The rest I suppose are just mistakes and not paying enough attention to detail. Next time try checking over everything (during my pracs I went through everything like 2x). As I did the questions I checked it over meticulously -this includes units, my handwriting, sig figs, all the components of graphing (including the key), reading the question again etc.
also, 4) that's something you should've learnt at school.

Next time revise the rules you need to know in writing practicals - not just the content (in fact arguably you don't need that much content in your head, it's a skills based test i.e. you can't study that much for it).

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