Are there creative writing courses? (1 Viewer)

Oct 30, 2008
Well, essays have always been my strength and I usually get full marks, or at least very close to full marks for them. My creative writing on the other hand, is always rather mediocre. Not terrible, but just not brilliant e.g. 13/15.

And it's not like I haven't read the creative writing tips a hundred times, it's just that firstly, I really struggle to come up with good characters or plots and my writing style isn't particularly good, and I'd just really like to stop having creative writing as a weak point :)

I'm just wondering if there's any places I could go to get help specifically for creative writing, since most English tutoring places seem to focus on essay writing and analysis etc, which I'm pretty happy with. Or maybe just someone who can show me how to write a 15/15worthy story, and maybe show me examples etc?

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