Advice to get a high atar (1 Viewer)


Feb 11, 2021
Im currently doing English Standard ,SDD, Biology, Maths Ext 1 and business studies. Any advice on what I can do, how/what I can study/use for study, etc, so I can get a good atar.i wanna get an at least 85 atar and over 90 would be really great if possible. Any advice is welcome on resources, tips, textbooks, etc.


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
There are a few tips that may be useful regarding English Standard, Mathematics Extension 1 and Business Studies.

English Standard:

Given that there is a significant amount of writing involved in this subject (for example, essay writing), it is important that you are familiar with a range of techniques, including the effect that they generally present within a text, as well as being familiar with your prescribed texts, from which you will need to source and incorporate quotes in a way that will contribute to a good quality essay response. As you attempt practice essay questions, you should seek feedback on your writing from your teacher and implement any suggestions that they may have, allowing you to improve the quality of your writing. This applies to the Common Module, Module A and Module B.

While this extends to Module C, it is worth noting that this module emphasises the importance of ensuring that you are able to not only use such techniques, but also identify and analyse them, which is something that you may be required to do as part of an analytical/reflective response where you explain and justify the choices that you made in your writing to answer a preceding question. Similar to the other modules, you should consider seeking teacher feedback on your written pieces for Module C, consequently enabling you to enhance your writing

Additionally, the ability to identify techniques within a range of texts is also important because it can support your analytical ability, which is essential when answering questions targeting unseen texts.

Mathematics Extension 1:

Effective study for Mathematics Extension 1 (and Mathematics Advanced) involves gaining a good understanding of the concepts/content and applying this understanding to practice material, such as past exam papers and textbook questions. This will likely support your ability to apply your knowledge to different types of questions while simultaneously identifying areas where improvement may be needed. In such a case, you should ensure that you regularly request additional clarification regarding particular concepts that you feel you may not be fully confident/familiar with. Once you consolidate your understanding of those, you can further support your studies and preparations by completing additional practice material.

In terms of textbooks, there is a general consensus that the Cambridge textbook is the most effective given the more difficult questions that it includes, as opposed to other textbooks such as Maths in Focus. If you are currently using Cambridge, then you should keep doing so while being mindful of the above. If you are using Maths in Focus, then you should consider either switching to Cambridge or using both textbooks. This may be helpful in the sense that Maths in Focus can assist you in familiarising yourself with a concept as you encounter it for the first time, whereas Cambridge can help you master that concept, thanks to the exposure that you can gain to more challenging questions, resulting in good practice.

In the event that you are using neither Cambridge nor Maths in Focus and based on your needs, you may wish to consider using Cambridge and/or Cambridge + Maths in Focus, or another combination (or just one textbook) that you believe would best meet your needs.

Business Studies:

Thorough knowledge and understanding of the syllabus and the content is crucial with respect to favourable performance in this subject as all types of questions directly target specific syllabus points. It is therefore important that you regularly revise and stay up-to-date with the content as well as ask for help with anything that you may not understand.

Of course, it is important to familiarise yourself with case study material relevant to each of the four key business functions, which you will need to use in order to illustrate and support your main points, leading to good quality responses for Section IV. Case studies can be accessed through the Notes & Resources section. You should have a look at the following examples if you have not done so previously:

Lastly, your knowledge and understanding of the content needs to be complemented by completing practice material. Similar to maths, attempting past trial papers in addition to past HSC papers provides you with the opportunity to apply your learning to all four sections that comprise a Business Studies exam. As a result, you will be able to determine the effectiveness of your study strategy not to mention the chance to address potential areas of improvement and seeking teacher advice in doing so.

I hope this helps! :D

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