2002 IPT Trial Answers? (1 Viewer)


Jul 2, 2003
Hey I was wondering if anyone knew where I could download the 2002 IPT Trial HSC answers? I got the paper from Bored but I cant find the answers.


Jul 2, 2003
im not actually sure what the CSSA is but I'll have a look - thanks.


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by Rory
im not actually sure what the CSSA is but I'll have a look - thanks.
I think you're asking for the CSSA 2002 IPT Trial, so I'm sure that's the one.

I haven't looked at the short answer/option topics, but someone asked for the Multiple Choice answers so I did it a few days ago (or it could have been a week).

Hope it helps Rory :)


Aug 31, 2003

hey guys. just new here :p
would really appreciate if if some1 could post the 2003 cssa answers

thx heaps


Active Member
Dec 20, 2002
Originally posted by skool_angel
does any1 have the 2003 CSSA TRIAL answers to section 2?
Better late than never, we've received the marking guidelines for the CSSA 2003 IPT Trial.

Section II (Total marks - 40)
Question 21 (10 marks)

Sample Answer
Prototypes are simplified working models of a system and are built to assist developers and users understand the requirements of the system, without the cost of implementing a system that may not work.

Prototypes are particularly useful in projects where end-users are unable to clearly define their requirements. Similarly, prototypes are useful for developers to demonstrate possible solutions.

Prototypes can also be used as a working tool, it can be altered continually until the client is satisfied with the result and the prototype can then be developed and used as part of the final solution.

Sample Answer
The implementation stage of project development is concerned with delivering the system to the participants. An implementation plan is required, particularly in large systems, to ensure training, conversion and testing to occur.

An example of one major project completed by students this year involved creating an ecommerce website. It was necessary to identify requirements in relation to hardware, software, training and testing. Some parts were built from scratch, others existed already. In addition, there was an existing site that needed to be decommissioned so the new site could take over. This involved transferring and backing up existing customer and product data. Also, the company director needed to be trained in the use of the ecommerce site.

The actual implementation plan needed to clearly display all of these activities in a chronological order, allow for delivery and installation of new hardware, parallel development of the software, training and testing of the system prior to making it "live". The use of the work breakdown structure and Gantt chart were found useful in developing the implementation for this project.

In summary, how an implementation plan is developed depends on the actual project. However, it involves looking carefully at training, conversion and testing issues then carefully arranging all associated tasks in chronological order.

(c) (i)
Sample Answer
Data flow diagram (sorry, I cant draw it/type it, or represent it using characters) :)

(c) (ii)
Sample Answer
The developers use of the IPO chart and data flow diagrams tend to indicate they are following a structured approach. In one sense this is beneficial because they are following a sound method and this should result in the delivery of a quality system.

Three key points are stated in the question including, the manager is non-technical, a system is wanted in 5-6 weeks and the current system is manual. Therefore, showing the IPO chart and data flow diagram are the least suitable tools for helping the clients and the developer understand the system requirements.

An IPO chart simply shows what goes into the system, what processing occurs and what comes out. A data flow diagram shows the flow of data within the system. These tools alone are not sufficient to represent a system. Other models are needed to represent hardware, storage, decisions and time frames.

These diagrams are too technical and will most likely confuse the store manager. It is unlikely a system could be delivered in the desired timeframe if this approach is adhered to and a Gantt chart would be more suitable for scheduling.

Question 22 (10 marks)
Sample Answer
The information processes of organising is concerned with arranging and representing data. In organising the format and data types are established.

Analysing is concerned with making sense of data ie turning data into information. This is achieved through sorting, searching, graphing and conducting what-if analysis.

Sample Answer
Active listening is important to a project leader because it allows the project leader to fully understand the question being asked of them, by rewording and further questioning.

Negotiation is important to a project leader because it allows the leader to plan the role of team members and design of the project. The leader needs to be able to negotiate without losing the quality of the project.

Conflict resolution is important to a project leader because any conflict between team members may be the cause of an unsuccessful project. Negotiation and active listening can help lessen the cause of any conflicts.

Sample Answer
(I like this particular bit here, so I'll type it up too for you guys).

Note: teachers will need to use their own judgement in marking this question. Reasonable cases could be argued for object orientated databases as well as expert systems (with some AI) and it is felt there will be some students who will argue for them.

The best answer is intended to be a relational database.

Relational databases are a database design strategy based on mathematical set theory. Relational databases are constructed by separating data into smaller tables. These tables are quite similar to a flat file database. In relational databases, tables that contain data having a natural association are connected or related.

Relating tables is achieved by adding foreign keys or by creating transaction tables between the two tables. Relational databases minimise redundancy and are very good for large data sets. The smaller tables are easier to maintain because data integrity is improved and it is easier to locate data that may require modification.

Question 23 (10 marks)
Sample Answer
Protocol: most web pages use HTTP protocol as part of its address. It is a set of rules that the computer must follow in order to access the net.
DNS server: this is the name of the computer where the file is stored.
Folder and filename: this is the name of the folder or subdirectory and the name of the web document.


then they had arrows under each,
protocol, dns server, folder, filename

(b) (i)
Sample Answer
drivers name, address, phone, car make, car model, year of manufacture, plate number, cost of policy, an expiry date, license number and age of youngest driver.

Then they had a table here,
I wont bother typing it out, because its pretty much as youd expect,
Field name, data type, length, example
Surname, alphanumeric, 20, eg: smith

That kind of thing.

(b) (ii)
Sample Answer
Security measures include:
- Passwords: can be used and changed when needed and also can be set to lock out intruders after three failed attempts
- Access rights: different rights can be given to different employees according to the type of work the employee does
- Firewall: can be installed in order to prevent hackers from accessing the network and also can alert the supervisor if anyone tries to access their computers
- Encryption: can be used to scramble important files so that if they are accessed by intruders they cannot be read
- Retinal, thumb print or voice recognition: these methods are almost foolproof, however may be expensive to implement.

Question 24 (10 marks)
(a) (i)
Sample Answer
Dropouts can occur due to incorrect setup of protocols between two computers and another reason could be failure or obstruction of a piece of equipment at either end.

(a) (ii)
Sample Answer
- Modem
- Computer
- Telephone line

(a) (iii)
this has a picture of the various communication links and signals.

frank, digital signal, modem, analogue signal, microwave tower, microwave signals, satellite dish, high frequency radio waves, satellite, reverse back to alice

Sample Answer
Discussion needs to include:
- access to a large number of resources
- less paper is used, only relevant information is printed
- no need to carry books and pay overdue fees
- no need for photocopying
- can be accessed at any time of the day or night

- sometimes there are too many sites and it is difficult and time consuming to pick the best ones
- more tempted or plagiarise due to the copy and paste option
- students are less likely to socialise and discuss things as they would in a library.

Section III (Total marks - 40)


There you go skool_angel. :)
Also, if you see any fuzzy/weird characters, blame microsoft word because i typed it up in there, and copied it back to BOS "post reply"

My fingers hurt, I'd better start writing now to get it back to normal... *does more IPT trial papers* bye! :)
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