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  1. S

    Age gaps

    Ok, how much older can a guy be than a girl, for them to have a functional, non-cradle robbing type relationship? Assuming both parties are over 18. I mean, I know there's always going to be 18 year old girls with guys old enough to be their fathers, but I'm talking about gaps of fuve, six...
  2. S

    Conservatorium interviews

    Does anyone here study at the Con? Or is anyone here applying to do so next year? I have an interview and skills test in about a week, and I'd like to know what to expect in terms of content and difficulty, etc. I'd be grateful if anyone could shed some light on the oh-so-scary process of...
  3. S

    Question for Da Butterfree

    where did you emigrate from? .....if you don't mind my asking.
  4. S


    Hey, I live in a regional area and am set on going to Usyd next year, but my parents really want me to stay in a college, preferably the Women's one. I hear college people get stereotyped a lot and are seen as snobs, spoiled, etc. Is this true? I mean, I don't want to get there and...