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    The "OMG I've Finished the HSC" thread

    I finished last wednesday on the 2nd.. i couldnt believe it, i still cant now. "study.. study.." is still in the back of my mind.
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    How Did Everyone Go ?????

    the multiple choice and core subject responses were so easy but the option questions were shit.. i had no idea!
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    few trick questions in this exam :D not general style :D

    yeah i fucked up those questions too.. the annuities table and also the pool question, they were hard.. or i'm just dumb haha. anyone wanna tell me how they did them ? thanks! xo
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    standard v advanced

    I do standard, i dropped advanced at the start of year 12 when i found out what texts we were going to study. Hamlet, rozencrants or however you spell it and all this other boring shit.. either boring or im just too dumb to understand it hahha
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    HSC Birthdays

    Yeah mine is on the 23rd of october, i cant go out coz maths is the day after! Its not too bad though because i finish fairly early, on the 2nd !!
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    HELP .. All In One Board of Studies Booklet

    Yeah I did the same thing, i did sections 1 and 2 in the same booklet, and the third section in another. The supervisers didnt tell us that we shouldnt do this, and i looked on the front of the booklet and it didnt say anything bout it.
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    Question 3 |4 | 5

    I thought we had to write in first person throughout the whole essay.. coz it asked for our opinion... ??
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    Batemans Bay For Schoolies

    Me and some of my mates are going to batemans bay for schoolies.. what goes on there? is anyone else going?
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    revision questions!

    don't worry.. the excel book is crap and it doesn't have any decent questions in there - none that would be asked in the exam anyway. Have you looked at the thread called "possible/past hsc style questions and marking guidelines" I just read it and its got some good questions, unless you've...
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    revision questions!

    i Was just thinking the same thing.. how do you study for PE if you've already done the past exams?? I havent got any revision questions to do either, i've just been going through the syllabus and making sure i've learnt everything.
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    Help: Why is my school so bad?

    Yeah well I come from a school in a very small town where there is a shortage of teachers and there is only 35 kids in year 12 including myself. I have the same teacher for chemistry, biology and food tech. Thats 3 out of 5 subjects. Shes often sick or at meetings out of town so we are always...
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    Trial Results/Rankings

    i only got 76%.. although it was top of the class by 22%. Our average mark was 45% and our lowest was 25%
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    Cosi related texts A walk to remember Shallow Hal Tuesdays with morrie The voice within - song by christina aguilera There would be heaps - you could use Anything that involves an event that changes the characters view of themselves or the world.