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  1. super_girl

    Did Sparta actually exist?

    My class in Ancient History have come to the conspiracy that Sparta was imagined and simply a fable.. that it did not actually exist.. any thoughts?
  2. super_girl

    Weimar Republic?!

    Is ANYONE else studying it? O_o
  3. super_girl

    "Away" and Physical Journeys...

    Okay, approx. 12 hours away from my English Trial exam and i have a stupid question to ask: How does "Away" broaden my understanding on the concept of Physical Journeys?!? i'm at a loss. Any help would be much appreciated!
  4. super_girl


    hey, does anyone have any good sites or information on the Julio-Claudians? much appreciated.
  5. super_girl


    can anyone help me? "account for the boudiccan revolt of AD 60- 61" ? thank, anyhelp is appreciated.
  6. super_girl

    Russian Revolution of 1917

    hey, this is my first thread and i need help. i'm writing an essay on "the roles of the revolutionary parties in the overthrow of the Tsar (nicholas) in 1917" can anyone help?