Search results

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    PSP FeveR

    anyone got a psp yet? or is planning to get one? i know they are released in sept. but i actually scored one for my bday, (bro got it from ebay). so many things to figure out, like creating specific folders etc, there is a modding community to help out with personalising like backgrounds etc, i...
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    pirate or shopper?

    im interested to see who downloads or buys their albums etc.. poll it up
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    Law and Order: Trial by Jury

    This is a really cool series- .. With SVU and CI; they are the processes involved into the leading up of a court case, this trial by jury is all about the court room and the grand jury, the selection of the jury, juries decision etc etc, it's quite interesting and if you are a fan of law and...
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    come on now, own up, whos an ebay junky :?? Wat weird and wonderfully cheap things have u bought, or stories like if u been ripped off, didn't recieve the product etc all the dramas~ gogogo i've only bought two items from ebay; router and cable modem >.< band shirts that i want are...
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    Freeze Frame (2004)

    Anyone watched it? This movie is really original, it's about this guy who tapes himself everywhere he goes (cameras all around his home, portable camera when he goes out, cameras outside etc) to provide an alibi when the cops accuse him of something again, they naturally accuse him of...
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    its a new tvet course, wasnt offered last year, i am currently doing it this year, and i looooove it! anyone doing it?
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    Old skool games~

    anyone here playing or played quakeworld team fortress while it was hot? and anyone currently playing enemy territory fortress :?
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    Any one listen to Nightwish?

    ???? + u going to their concert this month??