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  1. A

    Dropping to Standard- Too late?

    Hey, Do you guys rekon its too late to drop down to standard? I went soooo very bad in my Advanced Assemenet 5/15 and i'am starting to think. I try my hardest and I still can't score high. People who don't even study beat me. Its soo disheartening. I'am in Yr 12 now do you rekon it would...
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    Looked everywhere but can't find....

    I've looked everywhere but I can't find an Extortion Case that has been attempted/suceeded in Australia. I foudn what it means but No Case. Looked on all the law sites. Lawlink seems to be down or something.
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    How Did U go in your First Assessment Task?

    Heya, I don't know if you guys do an Assessment Task or have already done it. But at the end of last year Swansea High had one on What is History. It was Question 1 in the 2001 HSC Exam. The Class didn't go GREAT but it went alright. It was out of 25 marks (Worth 5%) I was 2/6 and got...
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    Noob Questions (Yr 12 Student)

    I've spent like ages looking. I'am sooo confused. First off i'am an only child and I know like NOTHING about University AT ALL. I talked with my carrers advisor but I just don't know (if you know what I mean *cough* crap advice *cough*). I want to hopefully go into after Uni (hopefully)...
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    How do you Study Math General? I need help in Techniques

    Hey, I could of handled 2Unit but Was too lazy. Now i've become Lazy in General scoring late 70's in Tests. I know I can acheieve more just was wondering how you studied/study for General Math? I want my marks to scale up not down :)
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    This Project topic alright? Need Opinions

    Hey All, Just new at Bored of Sutdies but firgured might aswell sign up now i'am at the big year *sigh* Well I love my History (not really good at it but enjoy it). I'am into Politics so for my Major project in Ext I decided to do the following: "Has the Whitlam Government Dismissal...