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    Guys and Guys

    any guys ever had any sexual thoughts about another attractive guy?
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    Intolerable Cruelty

    So has anyone seen it? I thought it was excellent!! Very witty dialogue and Catherine Zeta-Jones looks fantastic as always.
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    History Extension AND Economics

    Does anyone do both subjects and are relying on both counting? How are you planning to study for it and how much have you done? It's going to be so stressful :(
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    why do i feel like the only one unprepared?

    as the subject of the thread indicates. i've pretty much crammed for the half yearlies, trials and now for this... i've done fairly well in the other exams though there isn't much competition in my class. i want to do well though i'm very stressed and worried about the quality of my work against...
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    HSC Exemplar Samples - History X

    Could anyone pleeeeeaaaase direct me to a website or upload an exemplar samples from the 2001 and 2002 HSCs for: 1. 'What is History?' and 2. 'Appeasement' Case study response (especially the Appeasement sample) I don't have access to a Standards Package right now and I'm not certain we...
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    HSC Exemplar Samples

    Could anyone pleeeeeaaaase direct me to a website or upload an exemplar samples from the 2001 and 2002 HSCs for: 1. 'What is History?' and 2. 'Appeasement' Case study response (especially the Appeasement sample) I don't have access to a Standards Package right now and I'm not certain we...
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    Appeasement historiography - URGENT

    Just an important and URGENT note to fellow Appeasement history students: If you have really good HISTORIOGRAPHY on APPEASEMENT and are willing and able to share it over the internet please private message me your email ASAP and we can discuss it further. Thank you!
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    Hey all, is it just me, or has it been really hard for others to get motivated enough to self-discipline themself to study these holidays? I cannot seem to get over the boredom factor and my mind just wanders off when i start reading. Has anyone else genuinely not studied in the last week...