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  1. Y

    Lose it or not?

    Im contemplating losing my virginity to somebody i don't care about in anyway, she just asked if i wanted to be her fuck buddy... and well, i agreed because besides this it will be a long time before i see any sort of action. Is virginity worth losing to someone you love, with today's...
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    trying to fall out of love,

    Ok. I fell in love with my best friend, we fooled around, i wanted more, as in a relationship, as far as i know she didnt feel anything for me. And has since tossed our friendship away with the rest of the trash. I hate her, but i still love her. Its been a few weeks, she has a boyfriend now...
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    what should i do?

    sort of like my best friend, im not the kind of guy who waits around for someone, and i think she might like me. We fool around a bit, but we havent kissed, we arent together but i get really jealous sometimes. Its really weird, im thinking of asking her out, but i dunno... she flirts with other...
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    The power of suggestion

    This has recently become my no.1 hate in the world. Yet im powerless against it. It all started when a friend of mine broke up with his girlfriend, and then asked "Do you like her?" "pfft no, why?" "oh no reason" and i didnt. but my mind started thinking and going around in circles and...
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    is it ever alright?

    to cut another mans grass. specifically a good friend, who has liked this other girl for a few months, and after she gets turned down by somebody she liked, she turned to the two of us, when he was the first to make a move she went for him. But we have a closer connection. I know i probably...
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    what to do...

    i just found out that two other semi-mates of mine like the girl that i stopped liking a week or two ago because she is a bit... too promiscuous. anyway, one wants to kick the shit out of the other and told me about it, and is totally serious. I don't like the guy who will get bashed at all...
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    Everybody has it, And it fucks shit up. You think you know somebody, but do you really? I have a lot of friends who i can tell pretty big secrets about myself to, but there are some things that i don't think i would ever tell anybody, even if i was at deaths door. comments? discuss.
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    How do you let them down easy?

    fuck, i just found out that this chic likes me, who i would never be interested in. And i just had a big fight with her because she was a pain in the arse, deleted her from my phones and off msn. Now she msgs me saying she likes me, fuck that. The last guy she liked she is still hung up over and...
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    You lying Bi%$#es

    whats with you girls, you almost always go for the guys who are arseholes, or who have a complete disregard for a womans feelings or interests. Then when there is a nice guy sitting right in front of you, you pass him off. wtf is up with that. Open your eyes. Then you get hurt by a crapload of...
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    Do girls get more interested if you're involved with someone else?

    ok, these two girls are interested in me. one i would never go near, the other is a good friend but i only see her as that. Im incredibly interested in this other girl, she flirts and she knows im interested but says she doesnt want a relationship. IF i went out with this other girl, would...
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    Help please.

    I live in north sydney and i never really had many friends who were girls, then lately towards the end of school, i mostly hang out with the girls and a few guys. Firstly i was attracted to this one girl, so after a while building up what little courage i had i told her, but not even in...