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  1. G

    z-scores etc....???

    how do you find the mean & stndrd dev. when ur only given the z-score & mark. e.g: a set of scores has a z-score of -1, corresponding to a mark of 26, & a z-score of -3, corresponding to a mark of 20. what's the mean and standard deviation of this set of scores. oh and another thing, whith...
  2. G

    Help!! Question...

    -Why do FM waves produce greater sound quality than AM waves? -and what do 'kHz' & 'mHz' (I think thats right) actually measure? - how do the properties of oil-in-water & water-in-oil emulsions relate to consumer products. -oh yeh, can sum 1 tell me what we're supposed to know about...
  3. G

    hedging tools & derivitives in globalisation

    whats the difference btween the two? tho i've red thru diffrent txtbooks, they seem like the same thing.
  4. G

    How would you...

    construct a long ans. response/ report that would combine globalisation with another topic. 4 me, writing a report on one topic is all right but having to combine it with another (without taking up too much time) is sumthing I haven't quite fully grasp yet. Duz any1 got any suggestions or...
  5. G

    Any1 doing pharmeceuticals 4 the option?

    Just wanna know...
  6. G

    Changing Perpectives:the change booklet

    Can sum1,any1 send me any notes/practice questions relating 2 the txts in the change booklet(2 do with changin persp.). I'd really appreciate it & would be glad 2 return the favour. Thanx.:D
  7. G

    Help!In Management and change.

    This section to me is all kinda hazy. duz any1 have any tips or really good notes.heck any notes will do. anyway, i wouldn't mind sharin what notes I've got 4 the other topics. Thanks. post it here, 2.
  8. G


    Hey all, I was just wonderin how other art students are coming along in this course. Personally, tho I'm told I do well in the theory side, my prac side is goin down the toilet. Is there any1 out there who's only made one peice of art as oppose to a body of work? Coz I tell ya, your not the only...