Search results

  1. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Kind of missed the point that I don't consider what I did for a week as a job. Anyway, kind of pointless having debates on this any longer. Have a nice evening.
  2. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    LOL. You'd rather have someone waste your time, trying to persuade you to purchase something, or in other words, get money out of you, than answer a few questions (in which you can just refuse to and then I would say "That's okay, thanks anyway, bye!"). Those who do surveys WILLINGLY give...
  3. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Wrong. I don't consider something I did for a week to be a job. If it ain't on my resume, it doesn't count.
  4. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Really? I haven't worked in a call centre like tech support but I'd imagine it to be hell based on the stories of idiots you have to speak to. Though, of course, that comment wouldn't be very valid, just as yours, since I haven't worked in that area. Based on my experiences, I quite enjoy what...
  5. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    I've got a friend working at the checkouts there. Earns 11/h. How much are you getting? Anyways, heading to bed. GOODNIGHT.
  6. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Yeah, I never check what I type. Pick on the nitty-gritty. You knew what I meant.
  7. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Because it's not telemarketing? You must be pretty ignorant to think it is.
  8. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    That statement's quite ignorant but out of curiosity, why would you be out of work? All my friends would rather do what I'm doing than continue their, hospitality, retail, fast food "job". That said, it's not my career choice, it's just a casual job that's earning me good money (as a first...
  9. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Well, if you're dealing with any business, you know there's going to be market research involved. It's quite interesting work - or rather interesting people you get to talk to.
  10. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    If you put it that way, I still get paid to annoy. I hardly cold-call though. Our Melbourne office does most of the cold-calling. Here in Sydney, we get named respondents so most people participate. I've done jobs for Optus, NIB, MBF, Westpac and other randoms. Maybe I'll dial your...
  11. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    Telephone surveys. Telemarketers try to sell you stuff, I just try to get you to tell me stuff =) Plus telemarketers can't call people on the DO NOT CALL list and we market researchers can. Many ignorant people assume it's telemarketing. It's not.
  12. BlytheChloe

    What's your job and how much you earn?

    I got a casual job at I-View Market Research in North Sydney a month ago. Trainee rate (50 hours) = 17/h Normal rate = 21/h ... which apparently goes up every year. I've done my 50 hours so hurrah for 21/h!
  13. BlytheChloe

    B Design (VISUAL COMMUNICATION) [uai cutoffs/questions/help]

    95.9 is for entry in 2008. Hope it goes down next year. Anyway, I withdrew from my journalism course @ UTS and wish to apply to VC @ UTS for 09 and know that that's going to be hell difficult as a non current school leaver. Is it any easier getting into interior design and then doing an...
  14. BlytheChloe

    Changing courses?

    Somewhere to the right of the room when you first enter =) Who are you?
  15. BlytheChloe

    Changing courses?

    OMG. We're on the same boat. I went to the afternoon seminar. I want to change to Public Communication and do Advertising now =.=
  16. BlytheChloe

    UTS Semester 1 2008 Timetables and Subjects ahoy!

    Communication and Information Environments Rethinking Culture Power and Change in Australia Journalism 1 Journalism first-year is like doing Society and Culture again :mad1: What's the pros and cons of afternoon classes? And am I missing stuff because my timetable seems pretty empty...
  17. BlytheChloe

    Your thoughts on O Day

    Any good free shit worth scabbing at UWS?
  18. BlytheChloe

    Your thoughts on O Day

    Oh god. I missed the HP stand as well? Needs webcam.
  19. BlytheChloe

    Your thoughts on O Day

    Please tell me The Australian is worth reading because I was fooled into subscribing. The guy told me there was no other newspaper stand until I noticed the SMH stall downstairs AFTER I subscribed to TA. I'm too cheap to subscribe to both =) I joined a couple of clubs because the people were...
  20. BlytheChloe

    UTS group online

    UTS Facebook groups are better.