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  1. ellipsis

    STAT test

    chrisso23 - I missed it when you posted, so delayed reaction, but ta for replying :) You make it sound really good....argh another thing on the list of stuff I like the sound of :( chels - I sat it lat month, and I didn't find it hard (I haven't got my result yet though). I ended up...
  2. ellipsis

    the amazing race

    That was my problem, so I've downloaded them at school instead. I love school internet, I'm so going to miss it. But they aren't *too* big. One was 59MB, and the other 35MB. Now to go home and watch :D
  3. ellipsis

    What do you guys think of Bio?

    Its not as bad as it sounds. Personally i have no problem with anything unless it looks like something - I mean, lungs don't bother me at all, because I can't empathise, not having seen mine. And the stuff that did look real (feet, whatever) wasn't too gross unless it was really mouldy - some of...
  4. ellipsis

    Study Hours

    :eek: The day before an assesment I'd definitely to 7 hours, but no other day ! I don't 'study' at all if there isn't anything close, do some homework yeah, but nothing else. Damn... I feel totally outclassed. Our school officially says 3 hours. But you get the maths teachers who think your...
  5. ellipsis

    what type of questions for viva (essay) ?

    Hmm, i've pasted the info I have below. What I did when I went in I had thought about answers to the questions, and kinda rough plan for the speech. But when I did it, they only asked a few questions from the list , and made the rest up according to stuff in the speech - Like 'when you said...
  6. ellipsis

    The Multiplier re:Economic Growth!

    I'm not at all American. :D But.... In simple terms the multipler is like the domino effect of increased government expenditure, and if you work out the multiplier, you can tell how much increasing expenditure by x amount will up the GDP. Its like, if the government spends $100 on a road...
  7. ellipsis

    Major Work: anione making a website?

    I am (well, kinda sorta, but s'all semantics) You do definitely have to hand it in on disk or CD (would it really fit on a disk ? Mine doesn't). You should test this a few times too, because they have horrible habits of not working. But referencing system ? :confused: What is that ? I...
  8. ellipsis

    STAT test

    Oh hey cool... Can I throw some random questions at you ? Do you like it ? What bits suck ? How many hours per week ? How hard is the maths you have to do ? I wanted to do that email a student thing that they have a glossy brochure for...but then they didn't have a pharmacy...
  9. ellipsis

    textual integrity

    I learnt textal integrity with King Lear...we were told to look for integrity in the readings - to see if they were believable when compared to the original, and basicially if you could find enough evidence and it was believable, it had integrity, but if they just said lots of stuff off wacko...
  10. ellipsis

    a pardoner's tale VS simple plan

    Yeah me too actually. And assesment on Tuesday, so I'm madly scrambling to write practice essays. Did you know A Simple Plan is the only text where they won't admit its a transformation ? Clueless will admit they copied Emma...RAGAD will admit to Hamlet (kinda obvious there though) but...
  11. ellipsis

    umat and stat

    Go check the UAC site for STAT details. I just sat the mid-year one, and closing date for registering was maybe a month before the actual test. So I would guess roughly October/November sometime, because I think the end year ones are at the beginning of December.
  12. ellipsis

    Major Works

    Multimedia is anything, which is the beauty of it. Most people I've heard of do website, but you could also write a hypertext story (like choose your own adventure) or do something with video, or animation and storytelling... the guidelines even say you can write a game, but I don't know quite...
  13. ellipsis

    ecos comp

    I thought the eco comp was okay. I didn't know every answer but I put down something anyway...I'm such a compulsive gambler, the lure of one mark is so way better than the loss of a 1/4 I don't *know* what a liquidity trap is, but I put that as the answer because it made the most sense (in my...
  14. ellipsis

    Matrix omg.

    Double post but I'm moving on... Oh, and the reason I reckon the Neo can stop the sentinels, that doesn't include matrix in a matrix, it that he is now (or always was, not too sure) part program/machine. Remember when Smith said he and Neo have a connection ? Its possible, because the...
  15. ellipsis

    Matrix omg.

    I can see how the matrix within a matrix works, but I don't like it, mostly because its really depressing and there's no point. Which probably means they could do that to shock everyone... But seriously, what point does any of the first movie or anything have, if they are all in another...
  16. ellipsis

    Help with CAD

    There was this great article in the SMH in March. Its the best article ever, I even have it bookmarked :rolleyes:
  17. ellipsis


    Mmmm, I think my textbook says ~6% is the natural rate. Anything below the natural rate either won't last, or it will contribute to inflation. So my guess would be, no, not realistic ? Include graphs, they're cool and space-taking. There is a graph to determine the natural rate of...
  18. ellipsis

    STAT!! Anyone registered?

    Oh I did that before, went to an English day there. Catch any bus in the city (from Central or Town Hall station too) that says Moore Park (its right across the road) or catch a general UNSW bus (but NOT one of the express UNSW ones) and get off at Moore Park and cross the road.
  19. ellipsis

    STAT!! Anyone registered?

    Nah it doesn't matter. The results are valid for 3 years (Usyd) 10 years (ANU) or forever (Some dodgy unis).
  20. ellipsis

    2003/04 Budget

    Mmmm I can't remember much. Except why, oh why the 30% increase now. *Sigh* they could have waited a few years. The tax cuts were pretty lousy too. An extra $500 a year in the scheme of things probably won't effect many people greatly. If they pooled it all together they could use it...