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  1. .:BL4D3:.

    Anyone studying Robert Gray please help!

    I have an oral assessment on Robert Gray tomorrow and another freakin test so i'm feeling pretty bad atm. Add on the fact that I'm totally unprepared for either of them and you've got a procrastination spree with foruming. Yay for me
  2. .:BL4D3:.


    Yo... Love this subject. Half common sense, half maths. Easy to rationalise. I'm tryna do HSC physics on the side but with 6 hours of tutoring per week and year 11 work, I'm finding it sorta hard. Any1 else have this problem? Anyways, back to the topic, Phys rocks, stick with it in year 12, it...
  3. .:BL4D3:.

    Prisoner To Parents 'Love'.

    My dad is always like "Oh it's no use anymore, I've lost you" and yet he still tries, makes you think about the strategies he employs. I agree with banco, (yarrr, asian parents ftl) they should get with the program. Sorta hard for me though, still financially dependant on parents, that is, they...
  4. .:BL4D3:.

    Anime fans and RO gamers? ^__^

    Yah it's me fool. Just reveal my name to everyone why don't you WINSON MA
  5. .:BL4D3:.

    Do We Even Need Vista?

    dude mac rules. But it can run like, a tenth of the games out there on the market so that'd make their Mac vs. PC ad look pretty stoopid. Me = normal person = 6 applications on average. I hear Vista still runs on the same OS components of XP. Including the bugs. I reckon you'd be better off with...
  6. .:BL4D3:.

    Is it worth it being friends after a breakup?

    Wel I tried, failed, Screw it. Not worth it anyway. Just block her on MSN and she's outta your life
  7. .:BL4D3:.

    Anime fans and RO gamers? ^__^

    Final Fantasy for the win. You might also wanna check out, no registration, and heaps of anime series + movies + asian stuff (Read: Initial D Live Action). Over 400 series now i think. But no mass downloading T_T. Oh and my friend hosts this anime site Check it...
  8. .:BL4D3:.

    Epic movie

    I can sorta see both sides of the argument now that I've seen the movie. I was sorta excited to see it at first but like, it sorta turned me off halfway through. It was just wrong on so many levels. But yeh the Parodies that weren't sex-related were okay. The White castle gag was good, and...
  9. .:BL4D3:.

    is it rude to uninvite a guy to your formal??

    I don't get why some people even slightly agree with this idea. UN-INVITE? Can't you even put up with him for one night? And besides, you deal alot less damage saying "I can't, I'm going with someone already" than "stfu and gtfo" (Slightly exaggerated, I admit, but still, in essence...)...
  10. .:BL4D3:.

    The Anime Thread

    Whoa, I just finished Ouran Koukou and it takes it's place amongst my favourites. Anyone heard of Mushishi? I hear it's good...
  11. .:BL4D3:.

    Anime fans and RO gamers? ^__^

    Hmmm... yeah I've seen most of those, plus a few others, The new FFVII movie/OVA is out... It's only half an hour but still, it's FFVII, I mean come on... anyways, you won't really get it unless you've played Dirge of Cerberus but the action is still good. Anyways, i got a few others, like...
  12. .:BL4D3:.

    The Anime Thread

    I don't get into the longer animes like prince of tennis, naruto or even bleach, Kenshin put me off. It was good and all, just too long. You should try watching the shorter ones. Strictly <52 eps for me. In the process of watching FMA atm, and up to ep 7... damn... long way to go. Btw, has...
  13. .:BL4D3:.

    What games are you playing now during the holidays?

    Errr... playing a few atm, I should revise a bit more but meh, let's see, FF VII and VIII on comp... and just chess i guess...
  14. .:BL4D3:.


    Lol, GO PURE PWNAGE! taht's teh pwnage show. Too bad they ended the season. Anyways, about DotA... I dun play on Bored Aussies, i just cbf, Bnet is good enuf 4 me. I guess best heroes are bristleback, Queen of pain, Rogue Knight and Dragon Knight. DotA still needs improvement, ie. nurfing more...