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  1. F

    shifts in equalibrium

    hello, im currently finding it hard to identify the shift in equilibrium (mod 5 year 12) aka if more reactants are added according to LCP equilibrium will shift to the right, can someone help make this process easier to understand?
  2. F

    year 12

    also with math when i learn something new i always tend to forget something i previously learnt ending up in a repeating cycle what would i do to stop this for happening?
  3. F

    year 12

    true i tend to lose a lot of concentration and end up on my phone when it nears midnight
  4. F

    year 12

    alright thanks!! that put my mind more at ease but would my routine of school 7:30-3 tutuoring 4:30-7:30 study 9:30-12:30 only on weekdays should i cut down and sleep earlier and wake up earlier? becasue i cut down on a lot of hobbies like gym and all that for year 12
  5. F

    year 12

    alright thanks for the advice, will take into account for both carrots and asuteksu as for my routine, i only tend to stay up relatively later and night because i feel as in im not putting enough effort as other people and in such sacrificing sleep in order to not fall behind
  6. F

    year 12

    to be honest if i did put in effort i feel like i would get around 65-75 3u but for sciences i procrastinated because i struggled to understand and answer questions is there any advice to help reach these goals like study techniques/tips, etc?
  7. F

    year 12

    how would i better prepare for chem and physics y12?
  8. F

    year 12

    yes, at the beggining of year 11 i wasnt like this but as the year went on i procrastinated more and more
  9. F

    year 12

    for prelims i didnt prepare that much, and just tried to cram everything last minute
  10. F

    year 12

    so i just started year 12, for my preliminary, mathe 3u i hv a 60, eng standrd 90, chem 65, physics 70,math advance 80, i also do engineering but am dropping and i have picked up 4u math, for chem and physics, i plan on keeping, but i struggle studying for them, as in fully understand concepts...