Search results

  1. Salayman

    Can Internal Mark be higher than External Mark?

    Hello I was just wondering, if you were ranked near the top of your school for a particular subject, and the people above and below you smashed the external exam (while you didn't), is it likely your internal will be higher than your external mark?
  2. Salayman

    Umat, gamsat

    Hello, Im not very close to entering university but am curious about how umat and gamsat tests are different? Aren't they just used to enter medicine related courses?
  3. Salayman

    Curriculum change for 2014?

    Hello. I heard the maths curriculum is going to change for 2014 or something. Is this true? How badly will it affect the 2014 cohort, which i am a part of.
  4. Salayman

    Sefton high school 99.95?

    Hi i go to sefton high school and was wondering if anyone knows if getting 99.95 ATAR is a possibility? Has anyone who attended sefton high school achieved 99.95 or knows of someone who did?