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  1. E

    My 2011 Major Work

    There's a clear lack of past projects in this thread. So I thought I may as well upload mine, I got full marks and ranked first at my school. I hope it is of use to all you 2012'ers. Enjoy your writing. My topic was centred on the...
  2. E

    Free Essays (Modern, Ext Hist, Eng Ad, Eng Ext)

    Graduated last year with an ATAR of 98.3 and with band 6's in all the subjects listed in the title. I have no interest in profiting from my essays. They all received high marks (95% +, if not 100%). I will continue to upload them as I find the time. This sort've thing shouldn't cost money...
  3. E

    Free Trotsky Essay.

    Finished the HSC last year. Got an ATAR of 98.3 and a Modern mark of 92. Since I have no interest in profiting from my essays, I will post them here for your enjoyment and use. Educational success shouldn't cost money. Received full...
  4. E

    HTA Extension Prize 2011

    Anyone know when winners are announced?
  5. E

    The Death of Christopher Hitchens This fucking sucks SO hard.
  6. E

    Dane Searls Dies After Balcony Dive Had no idea who he was before this, and while it is sad to see the death of someone so young and assumedly so talented, jumping from a balcony into a pool surely screams idiocy. Thoughts?[/FONT]
  7. E

    Any Past Papers?

    I've exhausted all my resources for Monday, and don't really want to redo the same papers. So if anyone could post here or PM me with some trials, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be indebted! More recent the better. Thankyou to anyone!
  8. E

    Raw Marks to Scaled Mark (Or whatever it is)

    Say I get the below marks in the externals, what would they scale to? EAd: 95/105 EE1: 48/50 MX1: 81/84 MX2: 109/120 Modern: 92/100 HistExt: 47/50 SDD: 91/100 Thanks.
  9. E

    ATAR Estimate!

    Hi, I got my last trial mark today, and I'm interested in what ATAR I'd be looking at if I could replicate the same marks in the actual HSC exams, given a ranking of first in every subject with an average assessment mark of around 95 for most of them. Trial Marks: English Advanced: 98/105...
  10. E

    ANU vs USyd: Arts

    Which Uni has the better Arts program? History, Philosophy, Literature, Linguistics wise.
  11. E

    Lesser Known Historians

    There is a trend in Hist Ext to focus on the 'popular' or 'main' historians in Section One. However, there are a number of lesser known historians whose methodologies and approach mirror, yet predate the historical discourse of Von Ranke etc, such as Arabic historian and philosopher Ibn Khaldun...
  12. E

    Modern Trial.

    Had mine today, punished everything but the second part of the personality study, I think. Anyone else do theirs yet? How'd you go?
  13. E

    ATAR estimate please!

    Hi, I am aiming to get above 95. No idea what my school rank is, if it even has one. It's pretty remote and doesn't normally get very good results. English Advanced - 94% Rank: 1/25 English Extension - 92% Rank: 1/8 Maths Extension 1 - 97% Rank: 1/20 Maths Extension 2 - 94% Rank: 1/5...