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  1. jazzzod

    Things that annoy you.

    naww cute :) Okay I shall contribute. - The annoying juniors on my school bus who I have the pleasure to listen to them scream manically for a full hour. - People who attack those who only need X ATAR for their course, because he or she believes that you must get 99.95 or your brain cannot...
  2. jazzzod

    No ATAR

    Okay man, listen to me. 70% of the people on this forum are Asian from elite sydney schools who are whipped if they do not get 99.5+ ATAR. Seriously, this is by no accounts a reflection of the real world. There are many employment opportunities even if you don't get an ATAR. Consult your...
  3. jazzzod

    With the driving test, what is clutch coasting and freewheeling?

    Don't do that. My instructor told me to change down each separately.
  4. jazzzod

    What torrents sites do you use?

    Torrents are legal you tard. Learn your protocols.
  5. jazzzod

    Study in North Korea

    If you're white, dont do it. You may be killed. If you are azn, gogogo.
  6. jazzzod

    Bludge subjects

    Hahaha. In IT VET, we play Halo CE 90% of the time. We have to complete a task every two weeks or so... which takes like 10 minutes (competency based). Pretty good :)
  7. jazzzod

    Damn ninjaz alwayz stealin mah drugz :(

    Damn ninjaz alwayz stealin mah drugz :(
  8. jazzzod

    Bludge subjects

    IT VET... sooo easy.
  9. jazzzod

    iPhone 4 - 4th Gen iPhone

    Apple: Electronic communism
  10. jazzzod

    What I hate on Television

    Today Tonight. Cannot be in the same room. Despise ittttttttt, stupid morons with an equally moronic target audience.
  11. jazzzod

    Model UN assembly

    I went last year too! Was soo good. Apart from the accomodation, ahahaha.
  12. jazzzod

    KRudd the fascist scum wants to know if you bring porn to Australia. /Fuck this shit/

    Re: KRudd the fascist scum wants to know if you bring porn to Australia. /Fuck this s This is so fail. A 2 year old could disguise files and with ease get past any brisk inspection...
  13. jazzzod


  14. jazzzod

    Wtf m8

    Wtf m8
  15. jazzzod

    Download or Buy?

    Oh shittttt. *Microwaves HDDs*
  16. jazzzod

    Download or Buy?

    I pirate all my music, 90% from TBP and the rest from like sites. I have 300GiB of music and another 1TB of films on separate harddrives. Long live the pirates. Note: if I get arrested because of this there will be stabbings.
  17. jazzzod

    What Excercise Did You Do Today?

    Did flips and stuff on a trampoline, as opposed to nothing. Might do my 20 sets of 20 tonight which i am being forced to do. Ho-humm.
  18. jazzzod

    Tony Abbott - Do you want him as PM?

    Abbott threatens the secular nature of Australian politics - No.
  19. jazzzod

    Neanderthals breeding.

    Lol at another fail attempt to promote racial arguments on the BoS. These threads sadden me. Who gives a fuck. Stop trolling (Not directed @OP <3). Kthx.
  20. jazzzod

    Taking Short-term anxiety tablets.

    You're sick thongetsu.