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  1. S

    Working in a group or alone???????????

    For a fermentation of glucose experiment, I have to answer the Q : is it better to perform this investigation alone or as part of a pair / group?
  2. S

    Belonging - how it is represented through techniques

    I am looking for some ideas on how (techniques) belonging is represented in: Strictly Ballroom Ten Things I Hate About Me by Randa Abdel - Fattah Skrzynecki's "Ancestors" and "Feliks Skrzynecki" Thanks :)
  3. S

    Preliminary Ag - please help my revision!

    Hey, I need some places to find: - an example of a subsystems diagram - info on the concept of a growing season - ruminant digestion The growing season is something we haven't covered much in class so I really need help with it!! Thanks!