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  1. H

    General Thoughts: Legal Studies

    Re: General Thoughts on the 09 Exam! Didnt like A few of the multiple choice. Crime was easiest questions ever. Consumer had awesome questions and so did Workplace. Only wrote about 10 pages on each essay though... But I thought the exam was really easy :) finished with 20mins to spare.
  2. H

    SDD - A Major Turn Off

    yeah SDD is a crappy subject. For some reason it doesn't seem too hard yet our class all got such crappy marks... our exam wasn't too good either. The highest was 58% and the lowest was 52%. Its the stupidly annoying algorithms that probably only the person who made them can understand coz...
  3. H

    Algorithm Searching, Sorting and Processing strings?

    Thanks. Ive been waiting all day for someone to finally respond.
  4. H

    Algorithm Searching, Sorting and Processing strings?

    Hey All I was wondering if we are expected to remember how to exactly write algorithms for searching(binary, linear etc) and processing strings and sorting for the exam. It seems to me that this would be rather difficult as some of them are quite large(e.g. binary search in pseudocode). I...
  5. H

    Are stopwatches allowed in an exam?

    Yeah, should be. I have used mine for Geography, Maths and PDH last year and both English Papers this year so far and the supervisors didnt care. I thought i would be in trouble coz the rules say "no programmable watch" but ive been allowed to use mine(mines digital too). Enjoy! Are you actually...
  6. H

    Estimate what you got and how many pages?

    Section 1- 6 pages:(estimating 11-12 /15) Section 2- 8 pages:(estimating 13/15) Section 3- 6 pages:(estimating 14/15) :shoot: :dog:
  7. H

    Question Predictions

    i got 2/6 in rank for my geography class. not that great but im happy. Im hoping the question for ecosystems is biophysical interactions and for urban dynamics its mega cities and BEESTOP should be fine for economic acticity. Has anyone else got any good acronyms???