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  1. D


    man im screwed i cant be f**d studieng and i have no artists.
  2. D


    Yeah i'am exactly the same. After Ancient and RE im just not motivated anymore, i just really hate art. Il try and so some revision i guess but man does it suck. Im prepared to fail.
  3. D

    Issues studieng

    Yeah its not a good feeling lol, good luck to you too.
  4. D

    Issues studieng

    Thanks for the tips il take them on board :)
  5. D

    Issues studieng

    Im going through a big fmaily ordeal right now and finding it really difficult to concentrate to study for legal. Its tomorow and im still struggling, has anyone got any tips to help me out im prety stressed out and pissed off lol. If anyone can help me out with an easy way to study it is gladly...
  6. D

    Did you arive late?

    Believe it or not the HSC is not the most important thing in life. Even if your going for a UAI there are still otherways to get into the Uni. i saw a interview with one of the board of studies teachers in Australia and he even said its not worth stressing over as "your life is not over if you...
  7. D

    No one old me that we had to do 3 essays!

    Similar. I prepared two poems but i did 1 in the exam because we never even got told what the hell a pescrbed text. My teacher was a hopeless f'''k all i did was talk about was getting pissed in class and it left our class screwed. Every other class knew but ours. So when i see him on monday im...
  8. D

    1 related material or 2

    I did 1 poem and 2 related. I believe i got screwed out of marks though. In our class we never even mentioned the word 'perscribed' so when i saw "perscribed text" i only assumed 1 poem and the title of the list said "list of perscribed texts". Then this other bloke was telling me that...
  9. D

    Quick question.

    Thanks man i was paniking for a sec. I should be alright then.
  10. D

    Quick question.

    I have a memory blank at the moment so i was just wondering how many texts is needed for inner journey. I got the two poems we learned in class and two related texts. Is that all i need? BTW this is my first post and good luck everyone!