Search results

  1. nicola99

    kuringai vs city

    hey...just wondering if anyone could tell me which campus they prefer and why...i still dont know which one il choose! ta
  2. nicola99

    BAcc interviews

    hey everyone, just wondering if anyone has an interview coming up for the Bachelor of Accounting co-op next year? If so which day are you going on?
  3. nicola99

    Reasons to drug test

    Hey, Not sure how to go about this question..and ideas would be appreciated! Drug testing can be considered a waste of time by some as many athletes are not being detected...justify the use of drug testing.
  4. nicola99

    Answers for independant trial multiple choice?

    Does anyone have the answers to the independant trial thats on the BOS website at the moment? I only need the answers to the multiple choice. Thanks
  5. nicola99

    Critical Readings of Yeats

    Could anyone please tell me how to write critical studies of Yeats and which types of critical studies would be good to use? Thanks heaps
  6. nicola99

    Past Papers - multi choice

    Does anyone have any practice multiple choice questions. I always do really badly at them and need some practice...thanks