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  1. G

    maths problem

    hey would anyone know how to work out this question; any suggestions differentiate : log(x2[Squared] + 1)
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    cssa trial KL

    would anyone be so kind as to write me the cssa trials question for king lear 2005, and would you only be able to write about one reading for that question.
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    king lear

    how much so you write on the productions in your king lear essay
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    Richarde Eyres production

    Does anyone know what colours Gorneril and cordellia were wearing in the first act of richard Eyres production and were they were positioned. i know that cordellia was positioned at the head of the table and wearing red. And was richard Eyre's production done in 1997 or 1998
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    cross study of religion -rites

    does anyone have sample response answers for Question 13 of the hsc. i need some to know how a good response should be done but i can't find anything
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    Question about king lear

    in the hsc can they ever asked us a question on a specific character of the play or asked us to write about a specific scene or theme or even a specific interpretation.
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    A message to curreysauce

    can you post the exam up for 2005 cssa or if not write the answers to mutiple choice such as 1 a 2 b etc and if you can to some of the short answers thanks
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    king lear

    if i haven't seen a production on king lear but i have read large amount of infor on it, could we speck about it in our essay. Cause i was gonna use the 2004 harlos production at bondi but my teachers know i havn't watchin it.
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    industrial production of sodium hydroxide

    For the below dot point do we refer to electrolysing of a concentrated NaCl solution or dilute NaCl or both Outline the steps in the industrial production of sodium hydroxide from sodium chloride solution and describe the reaction in terms of net ionic and full formulae equations.
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    Anyone currently doing a multimedia assignment

    i need to do a website for a business as my multimedia system but we are only getting marked 10% on the website, the other 90% is on answering questions about my multimedia system. would anyone be able to help me with: drawing a data flow diagram for a process i carry out in creating the...
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    thanks snapperhead

    i thank you snapperhead for giving up your time to help us students. everything you tell me is what my teachers tell me, so i know your honest. thanks
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    snapperhead i think your right about what you said bout my isp question i just going to do islam and media afeter sept/11 although i know its a common topic
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    snapperhead help

    i came up with a more specific question: how have the contrsting views of religion within the simpsons characters of homer, Apu and Revered lovejoy influenced children's views on religion and society
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    i wanted to ask whether what i'm doing for my isp is correct

    i wanted to ask whether what i'm doing for my isp is correct.