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  1. irnie

    what to use to d/l music on a mac

    ok i would use kazaa but u need windows. so what should i be using to d/l music? its a powerbook, with OSX i think.
  2. irnie

    Spectrum Launch

    anyone going? this thursday night, blacktown arts centre... should be great, im helping hang the show tomorrow :D and probably photographing the event on the night :D
  3. irnie

    who's got an interview at wollongong?

    has anyone got an interview at wollongong uni for visual arts this friday? what sorta works are you all taking? i dunno wat to wear.... retro vs. controversial and out there vs. semi-conservative. i know at interviews for good jobs, cleavagey tops shouldnt be worn... it cant be the same...
  4. irnie

    exam: which artists?

    which artists are everyone using for their essay tomorrow?
  5. irnie


    is it legal to have bonfires in sydney beaches? if not, then how can this be gotten around? like, permission from the council or anyhting like that?
  6. irnie

    Going for a Portfolio Interview

    so, many of the courses that i'm applying for next year are requiring me to go for an interview with my portfolio. and many of them are asking for an artist statement "that describes your work and outlines your artistic and educational objectives". what things should i mention???
  7. irnie

    which uni for art?

    so i wanna study visual arts, which is the best uni to go to for this? and why?
  8. irnie

    i'm exhibiting my BOW!!

    so excited. i'm installing my work (photos and a film) in a gallery as a part of my BOW and its this wednesday at the blacktown arts centre on flushcombe road. so anyone who wants to, come by cos i desperately need an audience to film.
  9. irnie

    frontline- which eps and other text would you use?

    ok so i'm totally preoccupied with completing BOW due next monday and have no time to prepare for an assessment coming up thursday. the essay question is: "The truth is not simple" any help is really appreciated, thanks!
  10. irnie


    omg.... im stressing out trying to define postmodernism!! there can be no clear definitions.... but is there like, certain things you should mention?
  11. irnie

    catchy quirky PIP titles

    ok it must be painful to see this thread title yet AGEN.... but desperation (i.e. monday 9am deadline) makes you do crazy things. my hypothesis is "art reflects the values of society" and its about how the media, institutions, curators, critics and historians affect our perception of art and...
  12. irnie

    referencing/footnoting websites

    HOW IS IT DONE??? my teacher has told me to go by the root website in the footnotes and then the whole thing in the annotated resource list. HOWEVER, my friend's teacher has said, "never put the url in a footnote. First reference: Author (or organisation owning the site), Title of...
  13. irnie

    this is my pip....

    it seems like no one is doing a topic similar to mine and other teachers i've spoken aren't very familiar with the topic area and im dying for some feedback from others on how to improve things... so here's my intro.... “That which is static and repetitive is boring. That which is dynamic...
  14. irnie

    frontline assig... PLEASE HELP!

    the question we got is: "never let the truth get in the way of a good story" which two frontline eps do you think i should use? and can anyone suggest any good related material that would go with this? any help is GREATLY appreciated.. thanks!
  15. irnie

    please help with this dumb Lear assignment!!

    this is the question: 'You have been asked to give a speech to a group of trainee actors on "the timeless text". Write the speech, in which you discuss the ways in which the ideas, language and form of King Lear have been received in different contexts.' i've just been tiptoeing around...
  16. irnie

    Blue Poles

    ok, what is everyone's opinion of the Aus government purchasing Jackson Pollosck's "Blue Poles"? a) squandering of taxpayer's money? b) something to be greatly appreciated? and why?
  17. irnie

    PIP Survey: what do you get out of a gallery crawl?

    im BEGGING for results on this survey, cos my PIP (major project for SAC) is due in 2 weeks.. so any responses are really really valued and appreciated thanks! and i swear it'll only take a few mins! http://www.my3q.com/go.php?url=karmapolice/3437
  18. irnie

    do you like to do the gallery crawl?

    like a good old pub crawl?? if yes, or even if you don't then PLEEEEAAASEE (i am begging) take my short survey... http://www.my3q.com/go.php?url=karmapolice/3437 any responses are GREATLY appreciated :D thanks!
  19. irnie

    PIP- for all art fanatics...

    and even better if you're not.... please take my survey, it'll only take a few minutes. any responses are GREATLY appreciated! :D :D http://www.my3q.com/go.php?url=karmapolice/3437
  20. irnie

    spiel on life and 'love'

    A realist’s pessimistic reverie: Little things in life nudge you on to realise bigger things, much bigger things. Like how we think we are the same and our lives parallel, yet we are worlds apart. We are what our surroundings create us to be and heck knows our surroundings are different...