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    How Many Subjects Do You have to do per Semester?

    For example, I am doing commerce and was wondering whether I could do 3 rather than 4 subjects next semester and still be considered a full time student?
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    Which is Harder - ACCT 1511 or Econ 1102

    I know this is a hard sort of question to answer based on individual characteristics, but could anyone give their opinion on which of these is harder in general/what the subject is like? Thanks heaps
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    What Timetable Variation Do You Think Is Best?

    Having uni: Tue, Wed, Thur and 4 day weekend or: Tue, Wed, Fri / Tue, Thur, Fri and 3 day weekend but day off in between? I know, an insignificant problem because I hardly have uni but just wondering how other people organise their timetables/what they think is better?
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    MGMT 1001 Final Exam Case Study

    So to anyone that does MGMT 1001, just to make sure, is that case study they've given us on blackboard the actual case study for the exam? And we have to apply 4 out of those 10 topics too it? Thanks
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    How To Get UNSW Approved Sticker for Calclulator?

    Hi, I was just wondering where you get those stickers for your calculator/whether you actually need it? Thanks
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    Cancelling Your Summer Term Enrolment?

    Hey, I am considering signing up for a summer term class just in case I fail one of my courses and have to repeat it next semester. As it is now, Im just passing however obviously Im not sure what will happen after the final exam. Therefore, my question is can I sign up for a summer term...
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    MGMT 1001 Assignment

    Hey, For anyone who's also done/doing this I was just wondering did you only talk about Fayol's 5 functions? Or did you also talk about his principles too? just not sure if ive done it right. Thanks
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    Needing some help with timetables

    Im not really sure about UOC and timetables at the moment so I was wondering if anyone could help me. In the UNSW handbook for Commerce/Science it says that the max UOC per semester is 24. However it also says that: BCom Compulsory core courses account for 18 UOC (3 courses) ACCT1501...
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    Any Stargate Fans Out There?

    Just wanted to know if there are any other Stargate fans on BOS. For me it is an amazing show, one of the best series and one of my favourites. But I've only ever met one person who actually watches it. So, so sad its gone.
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    Don't Understand - Rankings/Scaling - Help Please?

    Ok so from some of the things of read on here I have come to the understanding that ranks are very important as say for example the student coming 1st gets 92 in an HSC exam and the student coming 2nd gets 95, the student who is coming 1st will then get the 95 mark. Is this right and how it...
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    Who Is the Best Soccer Player of Recent Times?

    Me and my friends were arguing this the other day at school and we all had different opinions. Out of the soccer players of our time (so players you have seen) and not including past players such as Maradona, who was the best in terms of skill, ability etc. In my opinion it is Ronaldinho due...
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    FIFA 11 Ideas

    Does anyone know when it is coming out? I can never wait for the next one and count down the days once I find the release date. Anyone else a big fan of it and what improvements do you want from the next one? I'd have: Improve Manager Mode: -Player form is annoying. Its a good idea but...
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    Which Historian is It?

    Hi, I need some help about which historians wrote about Britain/Northern Europe eg. Denmark. Does anyone know? I know Tacitus did but does anyone know any others? Thanks
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    2 People Similar Topic

    IVe got a question about the the major work. What would happen if 2 people in the same class had a similar question? Not purposly but by chance? Would one of them have to do something else or can 2`people do the same question? Thanks
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    Premier League Poll- Favourite Team

    Made this new thread so i could add a poll. Also can discuss EPL news such as transfers and also FA Cup and Carling Cup. P.S sorry if your teams in Other. The max choices you can put is 10. If you are an Other you can post your team.
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    How does ranking affect ATAR?

    My school is ranked about 250 so i want to know if your school ranking has a large effect on your ATAR because im aiming to get 90+. Thanks
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    Which Computer?

    Im looking for a computer to buy and want some advice on a good computer to get with a mmax cost of about $1500. Any advice please?
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    Premier League- Favourite Team

    Which team do you go for in the Premier League? Any Aston Villa fans?
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    Bonus Marks?

    Why do some people get bonus marks?
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    Could Someone Explain Scaling

    Could someone please explain how scaling works or direct me to a link about scaling? Our Curriculum Coordinator didnt explain it at all. Thanks