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    Taylor Swift

    Yeah she's my favorite artist of all time. Does anyone know where I can go out and buy a poster of her in Sydney. Preferably the city. I don't want to buy online and was wondering if they had in city.
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    Need ideas/suggestions.

    I have an assessment task due in a few weeks. I have to research a topic of pesonal interest from the Ancient World. But I have to choose a civilisation and aspect of that civilisation. I don't have any time right now to think of any good civilisations and aspect as I am the middle of my...
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    Molar Calculation Problem

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><meta name="ProgId" content="Word.Document"><meta name="Generator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><meta name="Originator" content="Microsoft Word 10"><link rel="File-List"...
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    Prelim Prac Assessment. Help needed pl0x.

    Alright so I got a prac assessment this coming Monday and I need some help of what to do, what this prac might be about and what I should study. My teacher only gave me some info on the prac. There is going to be somewhat two stations. Station One- It will be about testing precipitation I...
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    Island of Stability

    What is the island of stability and what is it all about?
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    Chem textbook - which one?

    I think my school uses chem in context (CIN) and they let us borrow the textbook for our senior year. I'm not sure if I should buy another textbook as well. I'm kinda gearing towards having CIN for schoolwork and stuff and buying maybe conquering chem or spotlight? Which should I buy? I hear...