Recent content by zerzillia

  1. zerzillia

    How big (or small) is your journal?

    mine's pretty messy....:P can't be bothered to be organised ah well. my journal is 2 ring binder folders.
  2. zerzillia

    Fart Scenes

    thanks for making me laugh, was scratching my head in vain over my reflection statement. XD
  3. zerzillia

    Let The Cath Trials Begin!

    i did so shit. i did crap on paper1 but did ok on paper2... :( religion was fun. (i'm dropping it so it was easy. i made up everything and didn't study either). economics was kinda hard. the stimulus essay was crap because i didn't get to finish. next week will be maths (4u + 3u)...
  4. zerzillia

    Cyber Love

    personally i don't believe in internet relationships (as in boyfriend/girlfriend) but you can become good friends through the net. i don't know about sms. ek. your friend should be careful. she could meet him but she should keep it in mind that he can turn out to be a completely different...
  5. zerzillia

    Do opposites attract? (merged)

    in my opinion you can't be completely different, you'd have to have some similarities interests even if one is an introvert while the other is an extrovert. i like the bookish, quiet, cool guys but sometimes i like the light hearted, energetic type of guys too. i guess i am an odd one. from...
  6. zerzillia

    Single.. Who has never had a Girlfriend/boyfriend?

    i'm in exactly the same position (but i'm not a guy. the only difference). i've never had a relationship either and have way too high standards. i also am too shy to make the first move so i expect guys to make the first move. i am wondering if anyone has been interested but never told...
  7. zerzillia

    Never Been Kissed

    ^^^ sounds like a psycho.
  8. zerzillia

    yr 12 formal

    eh? what's with the bastard debate. it's an expression. because he's only telling her the last moment (considering he confirmed 2 times at least. and then saying no.) it's just not right to say yes and lead the person on (maybe making her think he kind of likes her) and then do such a thing...
  9. zerzillia

    Never Been Kissed

    ^^^ that's nicely put. ack, who cares if you've never been kissed? me neither. i don't consider my self ugly. i am just average looking. i am 17 right now and will be 18 next year and i've never had a boyfriend or a date (too busy with studying? plus the asian parents thing). all i want...
  10. zerzillia

    yr 12 formal

    trumpet geek --> don't worry about the bastard who said he's not going to go to the formal with you. it's better that way. at least he won't screw your night and you know what kind of person he really is. i am going alone this year because i went alone in yr10 (as did most of my friends)...
  11. zerzillia

    I'm Screwed

    well, i've never had a tendency to change my plot/characters but i look at my writing and think "gosh, this is so crap!" argh. i always write drafts the night before they're due so i don't look too bad infront of my teacher and class mates. :P lol.
  12. zerzillia

    major work diary

    it depends on how much work you're prepared to put in. i research alot and that's why i have a large journal but i also write reflections for most things (ie. class discussions, reflections on major work, new ideas, feedback from teacher/friends/etc, changes in major work....the list goes on)...
  13. zerzillia

    just neEd help from English Ext 2 ppl...

    rani! it's ani. hello. i've talked to you already about it, hopefully it helped ya. :) goodluck!
  14. zerzillia

    intended audience?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

    my intended audience is teenagers but i think that's a bit iffy because my major work is considered to be of post-colonial genre and only some people like that kind of writing.
  15. zerzillia

    After changing concept do you change proposal?

    if you have not been assessed on your proposal, yes. otherwise no. but it'd help if you wrote down what changes they are and why in your journal somewhere. and make a note of it.