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  • Hey !

    Yeah, I did it last year :) It was alright.

    What are School Certificate Trials?
    Lol, I feel like I should know this, but I don't.
    I stressing out, because end of year exams are in 6 weeks, and I just a big mush of stress.

    Take care

    Ah, I just either use deviantart.com or any half decent search engine should return some good ones in amongst the rubbish. I'd say I got most from deviantart.com
    Hey there! :D

    Nah, I didn't draw this one :p... but I think I'm capable of mimicking it drawing something close. I miss having time to draw and use Photoshop CS2/3/4. :p
    Hehe, I see you've browsed right around! :D

    What is your ethnicity? Asian? Caucasain/White? Indian (and the list is far too long to even dare list em all).
    I could draw mine, and I have done a few before... but I didn't draw this one. Credit goes to a friendly user on deviant art! ^_^

    It's a drawing of Detective Conan (from anime series ^_^...)

    Thank you.
    hi, yea our canteen ladies do make dodgy lunch orders for example if you were to buy a chicken roll, dont expect alot of chicken 3/4 of it is stuffed with lettuce and they also chuck rages when we buy during class time lolol
    lol sorry i couldnt answer your question.
    people already answered it and lets say prior to year 10 my education was dodgy lol and then i started recovering.
    i also didnt do bio for the hsc.
    Hey there! Hahah! Yes please ! if you ever have any problems next year, feel free to ask ! :)

    I'm happy to help !
    Hey xMaFF...
    I think we have the similar interest as well......
    I like Jap stuff too but I heard learning Jap takes a long time... T T
    And I think we have the similar industry interest too... ^ ^
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