Recent content by vicchick_007

  1. V


    Oh i know! So did i... I'm still writing summary notes, tutor wants them emailed asap. eeek!
  2. V

    Attn Cf Students: Do Not Miss This

    Hey all, I did the crime fiction elective for this module a couple of years ago and just came across a FABULOUS film for it. Its a french film called '8 Women' on foxtel's world movies atm for those of you who have it. Its bloody fantastic for anyone who is studying the real inspector...
  3. V

    Language Placement Tests

    Is it compulsory to do this language placement test? Chinese is scheduled for 11.00 am tomorrow, what if i cant make it and how long does it usually go for??? Thanks.......
  4. V


    I was in BKK about 3 weeks ago. Lived like a queen!!! I recommend the mido hotel, its pretty cheap and near a lot of the big shopping cites etc. Don't worry about busses or trains (as reliable as they are). You can get around by taxi for a couple of bucks. Tuk tuk's are a lot cheaper...
  5. V

    Int'l Studies

    hey thaaaaanks :) Just enrolled into my arts subs: History, Pol&int, Chinese, Development Cant wait to begin!
  6. V

    Int'l Studies

    So if i got into arts and wanted to transfer to intl later on, would it be a good idea to clone the core subjects for intl for my first year of arts and then go straight into 2nd year intl? If so, this is my plan: BA ARTS History Politics & Int relations Chinese Asian studies Thats...
  7. V

    Library Fines

    UCK!!! Okay, so most people probably deserve library fines... but cmon, 10 bucks PER book AND replacement fee even after i return them??? Has anyone appealed thier fines before?? I could do with some advice.. cause im not sure how... -Bookworm
  8. V

    Chinese teacher needed

    lol umm hi! howd u know it was me? and more importantly... who are you? i might be able to vaugely remember you amongst the faded memory of my drunken brawl that night..
  9. V

    HSC Again

    which courses are you repeating?
  10. V

    Chinese teacher needed

    I'm not doing chinese for the hsc or anything, but i was just wondering if anyone could refer me to a good chinese teacher. Post it up, pm me, anything. That'd be greatly appreciated. I speak mandarin at home and im just interested in learning to be literate... haha shia shia!
  11. V

    Biggest Distraction During The Examz!!

    SNIFFERS!!!!! I hate people that sniff!!! its 30 degrees on a hot day and there are flies just buzzing around the person infront of u who looks like she hasnt washed her hair since the hsc started and she sniffs!! the whole way thru!! i hate it! i hate it! i hate it so much!!!
  12. V

    Hot Sexy Babes Wanted

    im here arent i? *lick
  13. V

    Hot Sexy Babes Wanted

    One word: Pervert.
  14. V

    Hot Sexy Babes Wanted

    would you like to join us cocoa??? im sure i can be the milk to ur chocolate.. and all three of us can get extra creamy!!
  15. V

    Hot Sexy Babes Wanted

    hmm wat shall we wear to the dress rehersal?