Recent content by Tdiddiy

  1. T

    did anyone else do what i did :(

    cheer up, I bullshitted too..its the only way for business studies. And Qantas, you simply mention their changes due to any case of terrorism and bang theres ur case study ;) You don't even have to know what they did, its pretty easy to guess...obviously they redirected flights etc
  2. T

    my answers multiple choice

    so to save me even reading all that, have we settled on an answer? and what is it?
  3. T

    Section 2

    I put down something pretty similar to that! :) Anways, thanks for clearing that up for me.
  4. T

    Section 2

    Hey just wondering if anyone can help me out here, in section 2 regarding the question where one company bought out another company then sold its assets, and we were asked to explain the implications or whatever, did the answer have something to do with corporate raiders and asset stripping...
  5. T

    Section IV - Management and change, ahh!

    Hey for the question with the scenario, in the rubric it didn't say use case studies, so we didn't have to right? It only mentioned case studies in the marketing and change!
  6. T

    Multiple Choice Q8 and Q9

    I put contract law because the good wasn't of merchantable quality, but when you think about the picture, if some kid ate that metal and it cut his throat, you aren't going to go whinging about conrtacts, your gonna sue for lots of damages for negligence, therefore I put down the wrong answer...
  7. T

    Multiple Choice from SamD, Option topic: Paradigms

    Is this stuff covered in the excel book?