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  • O
    by the way look at your ugly face bro. is that really you or a fake mask. hahaha
    smoken your gandma... dame piece of shit. for godsack why your so dame they way to speack, are you an import who just arrived today, lol.

    grow up man, you not 2 years old to speak like a baby...
    haha dame shit... dame shit ... I am going to sleep... wat ur doin is going mad
    your crazy lol... but I ok...

    what do you smoked right now... your fucked up.. again
    your dad,,, you mum ... you whole kids... whole whole generation ... your whole country... you whole who ever is fucked up and dame shits just like you.. hwo don't even know how to speak...
    guess what atleast I invented a new word... who you do is you can't even talk... haha piece of shit... your fuck retardard and so damme. how could you go to med... I wonder wht they accepted you... they could even see you properly due to your ugly face...
    in your dreams dame shit... my whole generation is doctors and lawyers... dame cunt get your fax right...

    go to your fucken chem study... med... I can easily get there next year... what do you wanna about... are some sort of a judge telling people who can't get in.

    how stupid can you be...
    your generation must be an asshole and fucked up... hommies. who retarted... you are... haha

    fucken dume cunt... cunt are you fucked up... hommie
    hommie its a joke... haha

    what know what nigga's say
    cunt... who the fuck are you... I call my hommies on you dame cunt. peace fuck off...
    yeah i honestly think he is but you've done a great job leading us off the track mang, especially with showing us the soccer team with omed. Like no one can spell at least 2 words wrong in every sentence intentionally, it's been a good effort by you but its over now
    nigga whats up... you know my hommies. cunt...

    you understand me cunt. don't fuck around here... homie peace. you know what I am sayin. peace
    fuck it's hard keeping up with all the posts you're making... so secant as in maths term because bos but it also sounds like sick cunt, i like the creativity.
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