Recent content by rekyj

  1. rekyj

    the strength of UWS and its underrated reputation

    uws, you make my heart sing, my live worth living, my dreams and hopes now seem possible. i will sing loyal cantons to the reverberate hills that echo your name... UWS... UWS... ha. its a UNI!!!! chances are, you'll find friends (or won't) at ANY uni and a DEGREE IS A DEGREE. ugh...
  2. rekyj


    oh and how would i find out if they offer the subjects i'm doing in spring semester? and would they offer everything else consecutively? like, advertising intro in spring... then autumn next year, intro to journo? or would i prob just have to wait the year
  3. rekyj


    thankyou SO very much.
  4. rekyj


    hey, i remember during orientation they told us about how we could take a few months off if we need it. something has happened, and it is imperitive that i go overseas for a while, around 2 months. i am wondering if anyone knows the way i can go about trying to get this break? i know i have to...
  5. rekyj

    B. Comm @ Penrith??

    shit load a homework for advertising... i've spent frickin... 7 or 8 hours on it so far and still only a third of the way through but yeah, it was... kinda what i expected, but not at the same time
  6. rekyj

    uwsconnect Harbour Cruise

    nothing makes new friends quicker than alcohol, strangers and the sea.
  7. rekyj


    i completely agree with you!!!!!!!! i keep my eye out... searching for someone that MUST be her. i find myself asking, is it you i am sitting next to ? perhaps its you over there? did you just drop your pen? i'm getting desperate NATSTAR, SHOW YOURSELF god im a loser :P
  8. rekyj

    How many days do you have off or ALMOSt off?

    i have TWO full days off, thursday and friday and only like... 3 hours on the other monday, four on the tuesday and wednesday where i have... 3 and a half :P ha!
  9. rekyj

    First Day

    my first day was somewhat average. i started with a tut which was a great way to get to know people before the lecture. everyone seemed kinda nice, i managed to make a few new friends and yeah, the lectures were okay, kinda hard to comprehend, and i have homework already.. like.. jeeeeeeeeeeeeez...
  10. rekyj

    Grouping Up

    nah, i got first round offer , i dont know when you posted that, but yep i went to AAS, i went to orientation, and thats it, now we just sit back and enjoy the ride... hahahaha so add me?
  11. rekyj


    lol, yeah, and all the design lecturers looked like they'd just graduated and were so desperate to stay in the school system that they just... stayed at uni. the pete guy who stole the lollies was cool though a little.. eccentric antonio... my god, you'd be concentrating on what he was...
  12. rekyj

    orientation today

    ha. i think it was okay if you hadn't been to anything regarding uws before and it was all new. if, like myself; (an experienced nerd) you'd been to all the websites, the acprep program, paid avid attention in the enrollment and AAS, then you'd find it boring. however, if you didn't know...
  13. rekyj

    Welcome Week

    i think its LAME they call it o-WEEK/welcome WEEK when in actuality it goes for ONE DAY. shouldn't it be O/WELCOME DAY?!
  14. rekyj

    UWS Student Association website

    yep, she came into the design media comm. class... did the whole BAD BAD BAD speech, and practically bounced from the walls. however, she got the loudest claps cuz she had free stuff, lol YOU ARE ALL SO CHEAP. ha her name was amber, i remembered cuz there was this girl at our school named...
  15. rekyj

    Grouping Up

    im in all of your lectures, but absolutely none of your tutes. :D still cool