Recent content by Queen Anna

  1. Q

    Official countdown for HSC results.

    i just wanna put the whole hsc behind me...waiting for the results means school is dragging out even though we finished long ago. down to single digits and i can't wait. im excited, nervous and a variety of other emotions yet to be named. its frustrating that we have to wait so frikin...
  2. Q

    Section IV - Historical Period

    Re: Section IV - Historical Periods i thought the paper was fair good...expecting worse but i still wasnt a huge fan of the greek world bit...i mean i did it n all but id say it won't be my best section. possibly xerxes for section III or old kingdom egypt - section II will be my best...i hope
  3. Q


    Re: First Preferences? BA communications (journalism)/ International studies @ UTS grrr for over huge uai which is ridiculous - so uncalled for. u only have to get like one more point to be a doctor - its just coz theres such high demand but damm its unfair yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy for...
  4. Q

    BOS Showcase: 2007 Major Works

    So glad that's over - never thought i'd say it but I actually miss my major now - it was my baby. ive woked on it since like december (coz i changed my topic early on) and now i won't see it again till next year when they get sent back. my class have decided that well share our stories and have...
  5. Q

    Subject selections for HSC.

    hist ext is da bomb!!!!! i do both eng ext 2 and hist ext, and hist ext is so much more interesting. but i suppose that really depends on the teacher - i really hate the teacher i have for ext eng 2 coz shes frickin scary but my teacher for hist ext is waaay cool - so maybe if u know who is...
  6. Q

    Official HSC timetable

    Re: HSC Exam Timetable? ohhk so I was gonna say i luuv mine then i realised u cant luuv exams so ill just smile inwardly with mine. they are all spread out which means i have to go to the afternoon of the last day but hey its a small price to pay with two and three day gaps in between most of...
  7. Q

    what TYPE of school do u go to?

    Re: Public School vs. Private here here!!! rock on public skools!!!!! I personally have never been to a private skool but what i fail to undertsand is why parents would pay for their kids to get into a private skool when a public skool which is equal if not better in regards to teaching ...
  8. Q

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    lol sameo with my skool cept that we - meaning the skool btw - are too poor to have stuff on the bak of our jerseys.its not really privacy reasons thats just the excuse they use! Instead we have these things that are a waste of winter jumper and make us look like overgrown bumble bees coz they...
  9. Q

    Is your school behind in subjects?

    my class is seriously behind in sac (society and culture) all we do is sit around and watch videos all day. we havent finished continuity and hcnage which is the core study and we r meant to be starting christianity in term 1. so far our personal interest projects havent even been metioned and...