Recent content by NothingIsStatic

  1. N

    How fast do you read?

    Six hundred is comfortable for me, but I can push myself to eight hundred.
  2. N

    anyone out there red Catch-22?

    Great book! Although it's story structure was unconventional.
  3. N

    The songs we get stuck in our heads

    I got the tetris theme music this morning. Gawd, it was painful.
  4. N

    how did the 4Uers go?

    Seventies at least. Conceded eight marks I think. Or the worst case possible, sixties.
  5. N

    what TEXTBOOK do you use?!

    In year eleven, my old school uses Maths in Focus. But this year, it's Fitzpatrick (mainly) and Cambridge.
  6. N

    Cheating in exams

    Haha! I remembered a guy last year, at my old school, smuggled in an entire physics textbook underneath his blazer his blazer. A bloody Jakaranda one too! It didn't matter too much, as it turned out that he got about 8/90
  7. N

    Two Tables

    Hrm. How many separate piles did you make? I sort of found it hard to write on other books on top of the table.
  8. N

    Two Tables

    Wouldn't that pile get a little high?
  9. N

    Two Tables

    Two tables!? You lucky bastard! Well, for me, space was such a big hassle. I just use the floor to dump my used booklets.
  10. N

    the 1-mark questions

    Correct there!
  11. N


    Ah thanks for the answers Jumb. So far so good for me.
  12. N

    What Do You Reckon You Got?

    Ninety or above. Assuming that I didn't do too many silly mistakes, or if I didn't miss any more questions.
  13. N

    the 1-mark questions

    Think that's what I wrote sub.
  14. N

    Silly supervisors.

    Today, a supervisor tried to give me twenty extra minutes, for nothing. My exam provisions states that I am allowed to go outside to recover when I needed to, and is given up to extra twenty minutes extra depending on how long I was out for. But the thing is, I didn't take any breaks or even...
  15. N

    easiest in 5 yrs... then 5 more

    I never felt so innudated. So many small mark questions that near the end I felt that I was pressed for time. But when I looked up, there was fifteen minutes left.